Overtime - Toni Aleo Page 0,139

room, she sucked in a deep breath as the wave of nausea hit her hard. Bracing her hands on her thighs, she swallowed past the need to vomit and stood back up just as the door opened.

“Kace? You okay?” Jordie asked, coming in and placing his hand on her back.

She nodded, her stomach clenching as the vomit rushed up her throat, but she swallowed hard again. She hated puking and she wasn’t puking today. Today was game day. “Yeah, the smoke got to me. I feel like I might spew everywhere.”

“You’re green, baby. Come here, sit down,” he said, trying to move her, but she shook her head.

“No, I’m fine,” she said, sucking in another breath. “Do you not feel icky?”

He shrugged. “My head hurts, but I don’t want to puke.”

“I guess that’s a good thing, huh?” she said as another wave hit her hard. “Guess our sex is dangerous.”

He laughed, stroking her head. “You sure you’re okay? I forgot my keys, but I can stay if you need me.”

She shot him a deadpan look. “You know you can’t. Go, I’m fine.”

“Okay,” he said, and she knew he was in a rush. “Are you sure?”

“Yeah, fine,” she said quickly, clearing her throat.

He kissed her forehead and set her with a serious look. “Text me later. Let me know you’re okay.”

“I will,” she said, standing up and sucking in a breath as the feeling of puking everywhere subsided. He looked at her skeptically and she waved him off. “I’m fine, Jordie. Promise.”

“Okay, going. Text me, okay?”

“Okay,” she said and nodded as he went out the door hesitantly, but she waved him off and he shut the door. Pulling in another breath, she felt a bit better and decided that they would not be having sex in the kitchen.

Things got too hot.

Chuckling to herself, she decided she was hilarious and went to get ready for Jordie’s first game.

“How’s the house coming?” Lacey asked as they settled into their seats. Mena sat in her lap, her little Assassins jersey dress on and tiny headphones covering her ears from the noise of the crowd. It was electrifying, the first game of the season, and everyone, including Kacey, was excited. She had been waiting since Jordie had gotten hurt for him to get back on the ice in full beast mode. He did well in the preseason games he played in, but tonight—tonight, he was going to rock it. He was ready, she was ready, and she just hoped the fans were ready.

Because Jordie Thomas was back.

“It’s coming,” she said, leaning back in her seat, thankful her nausea was practically gone by the time she got to the arena. “Although, Jordie and I tried to have sex in the kitchen and almost caught it on fire. I was cleaning smoke and burned shit off my brand-new stove all afternoon.”

Lacey’s face twisted in confusion and she sputtered with laughter. “Do I even want to know how this happened?”

Kacey grinned. “He threw my shirt on the stove, and I had forgotten to shut it off. Boom! Flames, fire, poor guy fell and almost broke his dick.”

She tried to hold it in, bless Lacey’s heart, she did, but soon, she was laughing so hard she was crying. Kacey was right there with her, holding her own stomach as she laughed until she couldn’t breathe. Still gasping, she said, “I’m sitting there, spraying the fire with the extinguisher as he’s moaning on the ground. It was by far the funniest thing that has ever happened to me during sex.”

“Oh my God, I’m dying,” Lacey proclaimed as Karl and Regina sat down beside her.

“Give me my baby then,” Karl said, taking Mena and cuddling her into his chest. “You watch hockey with Pawpaw.”

Wiping her face, Lacey shook her head. “Oh my, to be a fly on the wall. I’d pay, I’d seriously pay to see that.”

“It was humorous,” Kacey decided, crossing her legs. “I think I almost died from smoke inhalation though. I almost puked everywhere.”

“That happened to me when I caught the chicken on fire a couple weeks before I had Mena. Remember that?”

Kacey nodded. “I do! We were both so sick.”

“Yeah, I hate that. Thank God y’all didn’t burn the house down.”

“Right!” Kacey agreed as the lights went dark. “Give us a few weeks though. We are so hot when we do it.”

Lacey scoffed. “Jeez, get over yourself.”

Kacey grinned as the light show started before the guys hit the ice. Cheering along with the rest of the crowd

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