Outmatched - Kristen Callihan Page 0,56

caring about your community.”

Dean nudged me with his shoulder like we were old friends. “Why the fuck do you think I’m sticking around?”

“What are you guys talking about?”

Rhys’s voice drew our heads up and my eyebrows nearly hit my hairline at his dark expression.

“The gym.” Dean shrugged and then looked at Elijah. “You guys go to MIT with Parker?”

And thus began a night that went from awkward to even more awkward. The only people not affected by the epic levels of awkward were Elijah, Navin, and Dean. Eventually, Ren got over the fact that I’d kept Rhys a secret and joined the guys in their conversation.

After Bill came over with our prize, Dean talked easily with my friends. Sometimes they tried to draw Rhys and me into the conversation, but they didn’t meet with much success. They asked Rhys a little about his boxing career, but his answers were short and didn’t invite further questions. He stared around the bar, merely an arm stretch away from me, but he might as well have been on another planet.

And I didn’t like it.

I had no idea what had crawled up his well-formed ass.

“So how did you two meet?” Ren suddenly gestured to me and Rhys. “Because you’re not her usual type. And I’ve seen you on TV with your ring side ‘fans’… she’s not your usual type either. What gives?”

Rhys’s expression didn’t change. “Not sure that’s your business.”

Ren frowned at that. “Parker is my friend, so she is my business.”

Looking between them like I was watching a tennis match I became increasingly annoyed. I opened my mouth to tell them the only person who had a right to my business was me, but Rhys opened his mouth first.

“You think? Hate to burst your bubble, but the only men in Parker’s life who have a right to her business is her dad and the guy in her bed.”

“Yeah? I’ve known Park for twelve years.” Ren leaned forward. “I have more right to her business than you. I know her better than anyone. Well, except Theo.” He shrugged. “And just a heads-up, no one’s getting in there like Theo.”

Confusion and fury rooted me to my chair.

“Ren, man, not cool,” Navin practically growled.

“Yeah, think it’s time we got you home before Parker decides to beat your ass.” Elijah pushed back from the table and gave me a sympathetic smile. “Sorry, Parker.”

I shook my head, mute with anger.

“Aw, shit.” Ren rubbed a hand over his eyes. “Fuck, shit, I’m sorry.” He looked at me in horror. “One too many beers and a shitty friend am I. Sorry, Park.”

“It’s fine.” It was not fine.

“Let’s go.” Elijah nodded at Ren as he stood. He turned to Rhys. “Will you see Parker home?”

Rhys’s expression remained confusingly blank. “Of course.”

“Park, I really am sorry,” Ren said again as he stood. “You know sometimes I say shit without thinking. I’m an asshole.”

It was true that for a very smart guy, he didn’t have a filter between his brain and mouth sometimes. “It’s okay,” I said, this time meaning it.

He gave me a remorseful smile. “We’ll talk later when the memory of my assholery has faded.”

This time I did smile. “We’ll do that.”

Relieved I was no longer pissed, Ren grinned. “See you later.”

“I’ll see you guys out.” Dean stood, carrying the crate of beer that we’d won as he followed the boys out of the bar.

“Let’s get you home.”

Looking over at Rhys, I sighed. “You don’t have to see me home. I can get a cab.”

His expression tightened for some reason. “I’ll see you home.”

As soon as the cool night air hit, I felt a wave of exhaustion rush over me. “Well … that was fun.”

“You know your boy Ren is in love with you, right?”

The idea made me guffaw.

My reaction did not make Rhys happy, or I was misinterpreting the way his jaw muscle ticked as he clenched his teeth.

I rolled my eyes. “I’ve known Ren since freshman year of college. We’re best friends. He has a long-term girlfriend who is lovely and intelligent. Trust me, he’s not in love with me. He’s more like an overprotective big brother.”

“You know, for a smart woman, you’re fucking clueless sometimes.”

I narrowed my eyes. “What is your problem tonight?”

“Who’s Theo?” he asked instead.

My breath stuttered. “Rhys—”

“Ren might be a dick, but he brought up a good point. He knows you better than I do, and if we’re really going to sell this, you need to start telling me shit that’s real. Like who’s Theo?”


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