Outmatched - Kristen Callihan Page 0,3


“Didn’t peg you for a snob, brother.”

I curled my hand around the phone. “Do you know how many of these types I met when I was on the circuit? They’re all about wanting to give back to the little people, wanting to be your friend. In reality, they view people like us as fresh meat. We’re amusing at best. And when we fail to entertain them any longer, we’re gone.”

Just ask all the so-called friends who disappeared when Jake died and I’d quit the business.

“Parker isn’t like that. She’s sweet. Shy, really.” Dean’s chin kicked up. “And if she wants to use me as her personal pretty-boy puppet in exchange for a boatload of money, I’m going to let her.”


“I told you because I thought… never mind what I thought. Point is, this is my life and my business. I’m going to pay you back my way.”

Finally, my baby brother was growing some claws. I’d been more of a father to him than our own for years. With that responsibility came a certain amount of telling him what to do. But I wanted him to fight back, take charge of his life. Just not this way. He was too smart for this. I was the one who rolled around in the muck. Dean needed to stay clean.

I knew that look he wore. He was serious. Nothing would persuade him otherwise. Out of all our differences, in that way we were alike—both of us stubborn to the core.

He turned to go but I held out a hand. “Hold up.”

Dean stiffened but waited.

I pocketed his phone, the move so casual he didn’t see it. “If you insist on doing this…”

“I am doing this.”

My back teeth met with a click. Relax. Take it easy. “Then you should probably meet her without gunk in between your teeth.”

Dean’s look of horror would have been funny if I wasn’t so pissed. “There’s something between my teeth?” He ran his tongue over them.

His teeth were clean, but Dean snacked constantly. The threat was real enough.

“Yep. You didn’t get it.” I inclined my head toward the private office bathroom. “Go clean yourself up.”

He didn’t wait to be told twice but hurried toward the small room.

I followed at his heels, grabbing one of the wooden visiting chairs from the side of the desk as I went. He was too distracted to notice. “So, where you meeting this girl?”


“Swank.” I’d walked by it once. The place looked like a social club for the ultrarich.

Dean chuckled. “Not like I’m paying.”

I rolled my eyes.

“We’re having dinner drinks in thirty so I’ll have to hustle.” At the mirror, he made a grimace, inspecting his commercial-worthy teeth. “I don’t see anything…”

I didn’t hear the rest. Swiftly, I pulled the door shut, turned the handle down, and wedged the chair under it. Just in time too. The door rattled fiercely.

“Rhys! What the fuck? Open the fucking door!”

Yeah, not likely. It would hold until someone let him out. I’d let Carlos know… In an hour.

“Rhys!” Dean’s muffled shout followed me out of the office. “This isn’t funny. Are you kidding me?” A hard thud rang out. “You fucking bastard!”

I was. But I didn’t feel an ounce of remorse. Dean was too good for this. He could hate me all he wanted. But I would make it crystal clear to this Parker Brown that she wasn’t going to go anywhere near my brother again.

A fine fury worked its way through my system as I got on my bike. Parker Brown. She wasn’t going to know what hit her.



It wasn’t my first time dining at Yvonne’s. However, it would be my first time dining at Yvonne’s with the guy I’d paid to pretend to be my date. My stomach roiled as I sat on the plush bar stool closest to the entrance. Opposite the bar ran a long, marble-topped, low divider wall between the bar area and the restaurant, where chatter and laughter from the diners had become white noise.

I was so short my feet dangled off the bar stool, and I impatiently kicked against a bar that probably cost more than my annual salary.

Speaking of which… I glanced nervously at my watch. Dean was supposed to be here already. We’d arranged for him to come ten minutes earlier than my boss and his boss so we could go over our game plan again.

Throwing back the cocktail the harassed bartender had put down in front of me, I tried to quell the aggressive flutter of butterflies in my

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