Outmatched - Kristen Callihan Page 0,106

and tired of being out of control of my own goddamn destiny.

I did not need to be approached by this giant bully only to take more of his intimidation.

The thought of what he could still do to me, Dean, and Rhys no longer frightened me. It enraged me. As Fairchild walked closer, I pulled my phone out of my purse and quickly brought up the app I wanted.

By the time Fairchild drew to a stop, my attention was off my phone, my gaze locked to his.

“A bit late to call for help.” Fairchild smirked.

My spine stiffened. “And why would I need help, Mr. Fairchild?”

His grin widened but it never reached his eyes. They remained unsettlingly emotionless. “Perhaps because you realize what a tenuous position you’re in.”

Gut roiling, I pushed through the sensation. “I’m not afraid of you.”

“Showing a little spunk might feel good but it is not advised.”

Eyes narrowed, I curled my lip into a sneer I was kind of proud of. “Is getting your way really this important? I mean, it seems ridiculous the lengths you’re going to for one boxing match.”

“Here’s a lesson in business, Parker: the first person you allow to get one over on you is the beginning of your downfall.”

Oh my God. This man was a megalomaniac for sure. “You know what I think? I think you’re a spoiled misogynist who is right now ten seconds from throwing his pacifier out of his stroller because he didn’t get his way. Rhys will never cave in to your blackmail, and you know it.”

Fairchild took a step closer. “I’d be very careful what you say to me.”

“Oh? Why?”

He stared like he felt sorry for me. “Rhys will fight for me, and he’ll make me a lot of money doing so.”

“And if he won’t?” I pushed.

“Then not only will I make sure he loses his shithole gym, I’ll blacklist his brother from every industry on the East Coast. And as for you, Rhys’s precious little girlfriend whom I’m sure he’ll bore of fucking within the month, I’ll start making my way through your family. You might not care about your career, but you do care about your family. The Browns’ finances are tied up in some investments that are in my power to shit all over. Convince Rhys to fight, Parker, or I’ll come after your family too.”

His threats, so casual, no menace, just throwing them out there like we were discussing the weather, made me sick to my stomach. But thankfully, I remembered Rhys talking about his time in the ring. How boxing was all about learning how to anticipate your opponent’s next move. I’d been around Fairchild long enough to know the man was so sure of his own invincibility, he said whatever the hell he liked, certain there would be no consequences. And I’d just used that against him.

I held up the phone I’d kept in my hand between us and clicked stop, save, and then emailed the recording to myself.

“What are you doing?” His tone had changed from casual superiority to irritated and suspicious.

I pressed play on my phone. Our conversation echoed around the underground lot.

Color flooded his face, and his hand came up as if to snatch the phone out of my hand.

I pulled it out of his reach, and, despite my fear, I grinned. “I’ve already emailed the recording to a safe location. It’s out of your hands.”

“You little bitch.” He stepped toward me. “You think you—”

“Problem here?” a voice called. I turned to see Xander getting out of his car, a white box in hand I knew was filled with doughnuts. He came to a stop beside me and Fairchild, a frown marring his brow.

As if he’d just realized where we were, Fairchild stepped back and tugged on his lapels. “You’ll regret that,” he promised, like a cartoonish villain.

“I don’t think so. Because if anything happens to anyone I care about, I’m going straight to the police with this recording. And in case that doesn’t scare you, I’ll take the recording to the media too. See, sometimes the world and all the powerful people in it care if someone is proven to be untrustworthy, dishonorable, a blackmailer, a misogynist, and generally a giant turd. In that scenario, life will get that little bit harder, even for a billionaire turd.

“Then again, sometimes the world doesn’t care, or they don’t care for very long. But I’m not sure you’re willing to risk finding out how the world would treat you.” I smiled sweetly.

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