Outlaw - By Nicole James Page 0,98

than she did about herself. Who would this kid have if he left? God knows who she’d dump the kid with, just so she could go out partying or shopping. And she’d probably end up bringing around a line of men. Men that his child would be exposed to, and he wouldn’t be able to say shit about it. He couldn’t do that to a child, could he? Here he was, always admiring Angel for always putting her children first, above her wants and needs. Isn’t that what he needed to do? Put what was best for his child first, and to hell with what he wanted? That meant staying with Mandy, no matter how miserable he was with her.

Crash slid a shot of whiskey in front of him, and he downed it. He thought about everything he and Angel could have had together, and would never have now.

Crash reached over with the whiskey bottle, and refilled Cole’s shot glass. “Drink up, brother. I may not be able to help, but I can sure get drunk with you.”

Cole gave him a weak smile, and clinked his glass to Crash’s.

It was hours before he headed home.

Cole pulled in the drive of the house he shared with Mandy. It was down a quiet, shady street of an older neighborhood. There was a white picket fence in front, and a wrap-around front porch. The driveway on the left of the house ran back to a large, two and a half car garage in back that he had taken over completely. It was filled with half-put-together bikes, and parts of all kinds. He spent most of his time there, when he wasn’t at the clubhouse. Crash or some of the other guys would come over, and they’d sit around drinking beer, and working on bikes.

A rear side entrance faced the driveway. A couple of steps led up to a covered porch.

Cole walked up the stairs, and into the house. He walked over to the counter that overlooked the small kitchen, and looked through the pile of mail. She can’t even open a damn electric bill and pay the damn thing, for Christ’s sake. He flung the envelope down.

“Cole? Is that you?”

“You expecting somebody else?” He turned and saw her standing in the doorway that led to their bedroom, which faced the backyard. She had on a sexy nightgown. What shit was this?

She walked to him, and slid her hands around his waist. “I missed you baby.”

He pulled out of her arms. “We need to talk.”

“Can’t we talk in bed?” she purred.

“No. We can’t. I’m moving into the guest room, until the baby is born.”

“What? What are you talking about?” she asked, her tone sharpening.

Cole shook his head, staring at her. “I’ll stay with you, for the baby’s sake. But you need to understand, that’s the only reason I’m staying.”

“You’ve been drinking.”

“Yeah. I have.”

“Tomorrow, once you’ve sobered up, we’ll talk about this. Now come to bed, baby.”

He gave up talking to her, and walked into the guest room.

She followed him to the doorway. You’re serious? You’re really staying in here, tonight?”

“Yup. And not just tonight.”

“Why, Cole? I don’t understand. What did I do?”

“Nothing. I just don’t want to be married anymore.”

“So you’re going to divorce me? Is that it?”

“No. I said I’d stay for the baby.”

“It’s her, isn’t it? You want to go be with that bitch.”

“Leave her out of this. This is between you and me.”

She stormed off, and he was relieved. He got up, and slammed the door. Locking it, he lay down on the bed. No matter how much he’d drunk that night, it wasn’t going to ease this pain he felt.

Chapter Seventeen

Cole walked out of the clubhouse. He lit a cigarette, and stared up at the moon. He wondered if Angel could see it, too. He’d thought about her constantly these past three months. It was mid-July now, and he supposed it was hotter than hell in Arizona. Melissa had been home from the hospital since the week after he left. She was doing well. Natalie had kept him informed.

He flipped his phone open, and his thumb moved over the numbers. He put it to his ear, and waited while it rang. Finally, she picked up.


“Natalie? It’s Cole.”

“Oh. Cole.”

Not the reaction he expected. Not the greeting he usually received from her. He could tell immediately by her tone that something was wrong. She was being cold toward him, and that wasn’t her way. “What’s wrong?”

“I can’t really talk now. Let me

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