Outlaw - By Nicole James Page 0,95

kids. I’ve done just fine without you.”

“Just fine? Did you really just say that? In the last few weeks, we’ve been victims of attempted armed robbery and burglary. What’s it gonna take for you to wake the fuck up? Does someone have to get hurt?”

“I don’t have to listen to this.” She tried to get up.

He pushed her back down. “Yeah. You do.”

The backdoor opened, and Natalie stepped out. “You two are going to wake TJ, if not the entire neighborhood.”

Cole straightened, and ran his hand through his hair. “Sorry. Just trying to talk some sense into this hardheaded niece of yours.”

“Hardheaded? Because I think you’re making a big deal out of nothing?”

“Nothing? I can’t believe what I’m hearing.” He turned to Natalie. “You agree with me, don’t you? You know this neighborhood’s not safe anymore.”

Angel turned to her. “He wants us all to move to California. Can you believe it?”

Natalie looked from Angel to Cole, and then asked him quietly. “Did you tell her?”

Cole closed his eyes, cursing her silently.

“Tell me what?” Angel asked.

He opened his eyes, and glared at Natalie.

If looks could kill, she thought. “It’s time, son. You tell her, or I will.”

Angel looked at him. “What is it?”

Natalie went back inside.

He took a deep breath. “I love you. I wish we’d never been separated. I wish I’d been with you through my children’s births, through the bad times, all of it.”

She looked at him, knowing there had to be more. “Yes?”

“But things happened, and you were gone from my life. And I never thought I’d see you again.”

Angel nodded.

“About a year ago…” he stopped, knowing after he said these next words, everything would change.


“I met a girl. We got married. I’m married, Angel.”

She stared at him. “Married?” She felt like the air was just sucked out of her lungs.

“Yes. I’m sorry. I wanted to tell you before, but Melissa was so sick, and-”

“Tell me before? Before what, Cole? Before you slept with me?”

He hung his head. He knew what he’d done was unforgivable. “I’m going to get a divorce. I swear. I saw an attorney before I left California. You’re the one I want to be with.”

Angel started laughing. “Oh, right. If I only had a nickel for every woman who’s ever heard that line.”

“Angel, listen to me. It’s true. I swear.’

“Oh, you swear? Like you swore you’d love her until death do you part? You loved her enough to marry her.”

He nodded. “I did. I thought I did. But, Angel, it’s not like this feeling I have for you. You and I, we were always meant to be together.”

“Oh, that’s rich.” She stood up.

Cole grabbed her upper arms. “Just listen to me.”

She pushed him away. “Don’t touch me.”

He let her go. “Angel, please.”

“Get your things, and get out. I want you out of here.” She stormed into the house, slamming the door.

Cole picked up the glass ashtray off the table, and slammed it against the side of the house. It shattered into a million pieces with a loud crash.


Cole was in his room, shoving his few belongings into his pack when the door opened. He turned, and looked over his shoulder. Natalie.

“Cole, I’m so sorry.”

“We both knew this was how it was going to end, right?”

Natalie shook her head. “She’ll calm down. Don’t leave, please. She’s just hurting. Don’t let her push you away. She needs you. The kids need you.”

Cole shook his head. “No, she’s right. I don’t belong here.”

“Yes. You do.”

He grabbed the pack up, and headed toward the door. Stopping in front of her, he reached into his pocket, and pulled out a wad of cash. He pushed it into Natalie’s hand. “I’ll send more. Every month. You don’t have to tell her. I’m sure she’d be stubborn, and refuse to take it, and we both know her and the kids need it.”

“Cole. Please. Don’t leave. Not like this.”

He pushed past her, and walked down the hall to TJ’s room. He opened the door, and quietly slipped inside. He stood by the bed, looking down at his son, wondering how long it would be before he saw him again. Wondering if TJ would miss him, or how long it would take before he forgot all about Cole.

Natalie stood in the doorway, watching as he leaned down, and kissed TJ on the forehead.

He straightened back up, and adjusted the pack on his shoulder. “Goodbye, son,” he whispered. He turned to leave, and saw Natalie standing there. “Maybe you could have him call me

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