Outlaw - By Nicole James Page 0,82

his. “How are you doing?”

He shifted in the bed, and grimaced. “Feels like the time I fell, and busted my ass when I was ice skating as a kid.”

She grinned. “Did they give you something for it?”

“Over the counter shit. Nothing good,” he replied, shifting in the bed again.

“Can’t get comfortable?”

“I’ll be okay. This place just puts me on edge. I don’t know how that little girl of ours does it.”

“She doesn’t know any better. She’s been sick for as long as she can remember.”

“God, I hope this fixes it. I can’t stand the thought of her being sick.”

Angel nodded. “Me, too.”

“Come here.” He pulled her hand, and she sat on the bed next to him. “You okay?”

“I’m fine. They’ll keep you overnight. For observation. Just to make sure you’re okay.”

He nodded. “You look tired. You should go home, and get some sleep. I know you didn’t get much sleep last night. I feel bad about that.”

She smiled shyly. “You didn’t get any sleep either.”

He grinned, and kissed her hand. “What I got was much better than sleep, darlin’.”

A nurse walked in with a little white paper cup.

“Speaking of sleep, here comes your little blue pill.”

The nurse laughed. “Yep. Mr. Sandman time.”

“How’s the patient been behaving?” Angel asked the nurse.

“Oh, he’s been pretty good. A little cranky and upset he can’t get any class A narcotics for his pain.”

“Hey, don’t make me look bad in front of her, Stacy.”

“Take your sleeping pill, and I’ll tell her you’ve been a good boy.” She held out the paper cup.

He popped the pill in his mouth, and took the cup of water she handed him.

Stacy smiled, and sailed out of the room, saying over her shoulder, “He’s been a real teddy bear. Visiting hours are over.”

“Wench!” Cole yelled after her.

Angel leaned down, and kissed him. “Good night, teddy bear.”

Cole pulled her down for another, longer kiss.

When Angel pulled back, she looked down at him, and brushed the hair back from his forehead. “See you in the morning.”

He nodded.

She got up, and left.

He watched her go. It had been on his lips to tell her he loved her, but he realized he didn’t have the right to do that.

Not until he got divorced.


The next morning Cole was sitting on the side of the hospital bed. The doctors had come by earlier, and released him to go home. He had just gotten his street clothes back on, and was trying to decide whether to try and go up and see Melissa or wait for Angel to get here.

The door opened, and he glanced over expecting it to be Angel. It wasn’t. In strolled two uniformed police officers. Their dark blue uniforms, neatly pressed, their silver badges reflecting the overhead lighting, their radio’s crackling with muffled communications.

“Morning,” the first one through the door greeted Cole.

“Morning,” Cole responded, wondering what this was about.

“I understand you’re Melissa’s father.”

“And you are?”

“We’re friends of Angel’s father. Worked with him.”

Cole nodded. “I see.” He glanced at the name tag on the officer’s shirt. Sgt. Harmon, it read.

“Just came by to see how Melissa was doing.” The officer stared him down.

Cole stayed silent. He had a feeling he knew where this was going. He’d been through this type of scrutiny enough times in his life.

“You gonna be headed back to…where was it, California?” Harmon asked him.

“Yeah. Sure.”

“And when would that be happening?”

“Not sure yet, Sgt. Harmon. Is there a problem?” Cole spoke calmly, although he was seething on the inside.

“No problem. As long as you get back to California quickly.”

“And if I don’t?” Cole replied tersely.

Harmon looked him over. “I checked you out. I know all about you, your club, and your record.”

Cole stared back at him. “I bet you did.”

“Just see that you don’t overstay your welcome.” He stared down Cole.

The door opened, and all three men’s heads turned toward it.

Angel walked in. She stopped short when she saw the officers. “Bill. Mark. What are you doing here?”

They both smiled back at her. All Mr. Nice Guys, now, Cole thought with a smirk. He shook his head, and looked away.

“Just came by to check on Melissa. You know she’s in our prayers,” Harmon told her, touching her shoulder.

“Why are you down here?” Angel wasn’t going to let it go.

“Oh, just came by to let the donor know how grateful everyone is that Melissa’s getting her transplant.” He turned, and smiled back to Cole. “Well, you both take care. Angel, you let us know if there’s anything you and the kids need,

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