Outlaw - By Nicole James Page 0,79

touching him everywhere but where he wanted her to touch him most.

He looked into her eyes. “You’re killing me, babe. Let me touch you.”

She smiled at him, enjoying the affect she was having on him. Glad her touch was able to arouse him this much. She wanted to drive him wild with desire, until he wanted her as much as she wanted him. It thrilled her to know the power she welded over him at this moment. “Not yet.”

She saw the muscles in his jaw move.

“Do you have any idea how hard this is?” His palms clenched into fists.

She looked down over his body, and then back into his eyes, and smiled. “I can see how hard it is.”

“Yeah, and it’s all for you, sweetheart. Let me give it to you.” He leaned into her, and nuzzled her neck, inhaling her intoxicating fragrance.

She shook her head, and stepped under his left arm, moving around behind him.

He started to pull his arms from the wall, thinking she’d quit this game.

“Put your hands back. You swore,” she said sharply.

He complied, glancing back over his left shoulder at her. Watching her. He felt her hands moving over his back, and then lower, over his ass. She clenched her hands, kneading him. Then she reached around him, running her hands along his pelvis bones, and down his inner thighs, teasing him mercilessly. Driving him to the brink with wanting. A tremor ran through his arms as he leaned on them, pushing against the wall. “Be careful,” he warned, with one eyebrow raised.

She pulled her hands back around to his sides, and kissed her way along his back, moving around to his right.

He turned his head to look over his right shoulder, following her with his eyes.

“Or what?” she asked.

“Or you’ll be sorry, when I finally get my hands on you, baby doll,” he whispered with a grin.

She ducked under his right arm, standing in front of him again. She slid her hands up his chest again, pausing ever so briefly on his nipples. She leaned up, and kissed her way up his neck. She whispered in his ear. “How will I be sorry?”

He looked down into her eyes, and then leaned down, bringing his mouth to her ear, and whispered, “I’ll tell you how. I’ll bring you to the very edge of an orgasm, baby. And I’ll keep you there, not quite letting you have it. For every minute you make me wait, I swear I’ll make you wait an hour.”

She stared up into his eyes. Did he mean it?

“I keep my promises, Angel.”

The thought thrilled her, and she pulled his head down for a long kiss. When they came up for air, she whispered, “What would you do right now if I let you touch me?”

He leaned down, bringing his mouth to her ear, and whispered back, “I’d yank that jersey over your head. I’d spin you around to face the wall, and I’d drive into you, hard, all the way to the hilt, baby.”

Her breathing quickened. “But you won’t do that, will you? That’s not what I want.”

He lifted his head from her ear, and he looked deep into her eyes. “I could make you want that.”

She saw the smoldering look in his eyes, the desire burning in him. She shook her head. “No,” she panted.

He nodded, “Yes. You know I could.”

She stared up at him, knowing he was right.

He watched her tongue dart out, and lick her lips nervously. It was his undoing. “Tell me what you want then, and I’ll give it to you,” he hissed through clenched teeth, his forehead dropping to press against hers. “Whatever you want, baby. I swear.”

“I want it gentle, Cole. I want you to be gentle with me.”

“Then I’ll be gentle. I swear. Fuck, I’ll do whatever you want, baby. Just let me touch you, please.”


“Yes?” His head came up, and he studied her eyes.

She nodded.

His hands slid from the wall. He was breathing hard now. She’d teased him to the brink. And still he made no move to touch her. Now that she’d released him from his vow, he hesitated.

She looked up at him questioningly. She touched his face with the palm of her hand, and leaned up, and kissed him softly. Her mouth moved to his neck, just below his ear. “Do you know that kissing you on that spot, right there, really drives me wild?” she whispered, pulling back to look up at him.

He looked down at her with glittering eyes.

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