Outlaw - By Nicole James Page 0,62

her get close. “Cole, no,” she whispered breathlessly.

“You’re mine, Angel. Don’t deny me. You don’t ever deny your man, understand?” He slid down to her navel, his mouth soft, his tongue delving.

Her breath caught in her throat, and she turned her head from side to side. “You said I don’t belong here. You pushed me away. Why do you keep pulling me back? Why must you do this to me? It’s not fair.”

“You want me. Say it.”

“No. I don’t,” she whispered.

“Liar,” he accused softly, and nipped at her with his teeth. If he had any conscience left, he would have left her alone. But, God forgive him, he couldn’t leave her alone. She was fast becoming an addiction to him, his drug of choice. The cravings he felt for her were just as strong.

“Cole. Please, no-“

“Don’t fight it, sweetheart,” Cole growled low in his throat. He slid up to her face, his hands running through her hair, pulling her head back. He kissed his way up her throat, and over to her ear. He whispered, “Please, baby. I need you. Open your legs for me, Angel.”

Hesitantly, she obeyed his command, relaxing beneath him.

He had her anchored to the bed, holding her as she opened to him, and he slid his hips into the cradle of her thighs. Cole groaned at her surrender, and his mouth closed over hers.

She answered his heat with a fire all her own.

He bit her lower lip gently, and need swirled through him as her hands slid over his back. He couldn’t deny he wanted her. He wouldn’t deny it anymore. And he couldn’t deny the possessive feelings that had taken hold of him. She was his. His angel. A confusing mix of fire and ice, claws one minute, purring the next. “You’re mine, Angel. Say it,” he demanded softly.

She shook her head from side to side.

His mouth moved to her ear, and he whispered, “Say it.”

She couldn’t deny it, anymore than she could deny her need to breathe. Whatever this was between them, it was powerful. “Yes, Cole. I’m yours.”

He growled low in his throat as he entered her.

Angel caught her breath, and then wrapped her legs around him, and hung on as he took her to heaven.


Angel awoke alone. She looked over at the clock radio. Seven A.M. She waited for a while, thinking he would come back. At nine, she got out of bed, and got dressed. She was combing her hair when there was a knock at the door. She opened it, and found Crystal standing there.

“Morning,” Crystal said.

“Morning,” Angel replied.

“Mack wanted me to tell you that he wants to speak with you.”

What could he want to talk to her about, she wondered. “Crystal, do you know where Cole is?”

She shrugged. “He left a while ago.” Then she turned to go.

Angel followed Crystal out. They walked back down to the main room. She followed her over to the bar. She could smell the aroma of just brewed coffee, and her eyes located the coffee maker on the counter against the wall.

“The coffee’s fresh. I just made it,” Crystal informed her, as she handed Angel a clean mug.

“Thanks.” Angel took it, and poured herself a cup.

“Mack’s waiting for you in there.” She nodded toward a room off to the side.

Angel looked back at Crystal. “Do you know what he wants to talk to be about?”

Crystal shook her head. “I wouldn’t keep him waiting.”

Angel turned, and carried her coffee with her. The door was open. She peeked inside. He was sitting at the far end of a long wooden table. It looked like a boardroom. It looked a lot like the room at the Dead Souls clubhouse, where she had first met Cole.

Mack looked up, and saw her standing there. “Come on in, darlin’.” He indicated the chair next to him.

She sat down, and set her coffee mug on the table. “You wanted to talk to me?”

He nodded. “Yeah. Just wanted to say thanks again for that help you gave us.”

She smiled timidly. “You’re welcome. I didn’t want to see Cole get in any trouble.”

“Right.” He drank from the coffee mug he was holding. “So, you got feelings for Cole?”

She wasn’t ready for the direct question. “Why are you asking?”

He shrugged. “Just wondering. You two have been pretty tight since you met.”

“I guess so.” He was making her nervous. She looked down at the table, and played with the handle of her coffee mug.

He watched her body language. “How old are you, Angel?”

She looked

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