Outlaw - By Nicole James Page 0,49

and nodded. If he had cut her loose in the beginning, none of this would have happened. He knew Crash was right, but…how was he going to let her go?

“Hey, why don’t you go take that trip you were planning? See how everything lands when you get back.”

Cole nodded. “Yeah. If she’ll go.”

Crash grinned. “I got a feelin’ she will. I’ve seen the way she looks at you.”

Cole looked at him, and shook his head. “I think I may have killed that feeling.”

Crash slapped him on the back. “Naw. You just need to keep her in your bed for a couple of days. By the time you’re through, lover boy, she won’t ever want to leave.”

“Aye. Fook the lass till she can’t walk. That’ll keep her from leavin’ yer arse,” Kilt Boy chimed in, laughing.

“Shut up, you crude bastard.” Cole slugged him in the arm, smiling. Actually, it sounded like a good plan.


Angel opened her eyes. The stereo was playing soft blues. She was lying on her stomach. She turned her head. Cole was laying on his side next to her. He was awake, and looking at her.

He smiled, and reached up, and gently brushed the hair back from her face. “Morning.”

“What time is it?” she asked. Rain pelted against the window panes. The skies were gray, and the early morning light was muted. Thunder rumbled in the distance.

“It’s barely dawn. Go back to sleep, baby,” he whispered.

She studied him. He looked tired. “Did you sleep?”

He shook his head slightly. “No. I’ve been watching you sleep.” He ran his hand over her hair, and then leaned over, and kissed her forehead tenderly.

She felt the brush of his soft facial hair against her skin. He kissed her temple, and the affection in the gesture touched her deeply. When he pulled back, she searched his eyes. “You’ve been awake all night?”

He nodded.


“The things that haunt my dreams, there’s no rest for me there. I try to avoid it for as long as I can.”

“Baby, you have to sleep. You’re exhausted.”

“I’m fine. I’d rather watch you.”

She saw the tormented look in his eyes, and asked, “What’s wrong?”

He stared at her for a long moment before finally admitting, “I promised you I wouldn’t let anyone hurt you. I let you down.”

The look on his face was pure anguish. She didn’t know what to say to him.

“I’m so sorry, Angel.” He had failed her. He could barely look at her. He was so ashamed. He broke eye contact, and looked down. Nothing he could do or say would ever be able to undo what had been done to her. He couldn’t bear the fact that he had caused her pain. All along he’d promised her one thing, that he’d never let anyone hurt her. Just one thing, and he couldn’t even keep that promise to her.

She reached up, and laid her palm against his jaw, rubbing her thumb over his lips. “Shh. I know, baby. I know.” She ran her hand over his face, tucking a lock of hair back.

He reached up, and took her hand in his, and kissed her palm.

She rolled to her side, and tucked up against him, laying her head on his shoulder. She put her arm around him, and he pulled her close.

He closed his eyes, and rested his chin on top of her head.

“Sleep baby,” she said. She felt him nod his head slightly in agreement. She lay there listening to the rain, and to his heart beating, feeling his chest rise and fall with his breathing. She felt contentment. She wished they could stay like this forever, that she would never have to leave the safety of his arms.

She could feel his breathing change, and knew when he’d finally drifted off to sleep. She looked up at him, studying his face. He looked so peaceful, but he’d said that there was no peace to be found in his dreams. She wondered if it would always be like that for him.

It rained all day, and Cole slept most of it away, wrapped in Angel’s arms. The last light was fading from the sky when he finally woke up.

Cole came slowly awake. He found himself face down across Angel’s chest, the side of his cheek lying on her breast. He became aware of little things, the sound of the rain against the windows, the warmth of her skin, the rise and fall of her chest as she breathed. She was running her hand through his hair, softly, repeatedly. It was

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