Outlaw - By Nicole James Page 0,42

walked up. She noticed one of them had a Scottish brogue when he spoke. He had his back to them. Angel heard someone say, “Hey, Kilt Boy, look who just crashed the party.”

The one with the brogue turned around. He was dark headed, with long hair and a close cut beard. Angel thought if he did have a kilt on, that he would look every inch the part of a highlander.

He looked at Cole, and smiled. “Fookin’ hell. Ye ol’ bastaird. Haven’t seen ye in ages.”

Cole smiled. “Who’re you callin’ an old bastard?”

He and Cole slapped each other on the back.

They broke apart.

“What are you doin’ down in this neck of the woods?” Cole asked him.

“Came to see your sunny southern coast. Tired of the bluidy rain up north.”

“I thought it rained all the time in Scotland. You should be used to it.”

“Aye. But it had a wey of makin’ me homesick.”

Someone slid them a couple bottles of beer, and Cole turned to hand one to Angel.

Kilt Boy turned to Angel, and asked Cole, “And who’s this lovely lass?”

Cole put his arm around her. “Don’t even think about it.”

Kilt Boy smiled. “What? Ye don’t trust me, Sonny-boy?”

“Nope.” Cole smiled back.

“Come on, introduce me to the wee lass.”

“This ugly mutt is Ferguson. Better known as Kilt Boy. Kilt Boy, this is Angel.”

He flashed a crooked grin. “He’s just jealous of my sensuous Scottish brogue, and the wey it drives all the lasses wild.”

“Shit. Half of ‘em can’t understand a word you’re saying.”

“Aye. But as long as they nod their head in agreement. I don’t care verra much if they know to what they’re agreein’.” He turned to Angel, and waggled his eyebrows.

She couldn’t help but laugh, shaking her head. She liked him immediately.

“Got some news.,” Crash interrupted, moving to stand next to Cole.

Cole dropped his arm from around Angel, and lit a cigarette. He turned to Crash, blowing the smoke out. “Yeah. What’s that?”

“Mack invited the Devil Kings here.”

Cole pulled the cigarette from his mouth. “What?”

Crash nodded. “Yup.”

“What the hell for?”

“Didn’t he tell you?”

“No, man. He’s been pissed at me since that shit with Ling.”

Crash nodded, glancing over to where Mack was sitting at one of the picnic tables. “Yeah. Well, seems he wants to make some kind of alliance. I think he’s hoping to get a foothold in Arizona.”

Cole shook his head. “Fuck.”


“Bluidy hell!” Ferguson added.

Cole looked over at him, and smiled. “Looks like you showed up at a good time, Kilt Boy.”

He smiled back at Cole. “Aye. Looks that wey.”

They all stood around talking, and drank several bottles of beer.

One of the War Dogs walked over to Cole.

Angel thought he looked young, probably still in his twenties, with an athletic build. He had a buzz cut, revealing a face and neck red from the sun. He wore a pair of desert camouflage pants and a black tee shirt. A pair of sunglasses was pushed up on his head and dog tags hung around his neck. If he’d been in the service, Angel imagined he hadn’t been out for very long.

“Hey, they takin’ care of you?” He nodded toward the girls tending bar.

Cole looked at him. “Yeah. Thanks. You throw a nice party, Rusty.”

“Glad you could come by.” They shook hands.

“You hear who might be showing’ up later?” Cole asked him, taking a hit off his cigarette.

Rusty looked back at the picnic table where Mack was sitting, deep in conversation with the leader of the War Dogs. “Yeah. I did.”

Cole followed his gaze. “He good with it?”

“JP? Yeah. I guess. Of course, I don’t think he’d say no to Mack on anything.”

Cole nodded.

“You expecting trouble?” Rusty asked, setting the sunglasses back over his eyes.

“Don’t know,” Cole answered, honestly.

“Fuck. Looks like we’re about to find out.” Rusty nodded toward the gate.

Cole turned to look. The Devil Kings were walking in. Cole noticed the first man through was their leader, a big mountain of a man called appropriately enough, Big Ed. He was followed by a mean son-of-a-bitch named, Taz. Cole had had run-ins with him before. About six more guys followed.

Cole glanced over at Mack.

Mack looked over at the gate, and nodded to Cole.

Angel looked at the group coming in, and a chill went down her back. She had a bad feeling.

Cole threw his cigarette down, and turned to head over to the group. He looked back at Angel, and pointed at her. “Stay there.”

She watched him walk over toward the Devil Kings. He moved to the biggest guy, and blocked

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