Outlaw - By Nicole James Page 0,31

fronted along an abandoned building that housed the restrooms and tourist information desk. It was all boarded up. The grass was overgrown, and weeds grew up in the cracks of the sidewalk. They were the only ones there.

Chuck stopped his bike in the lane.

Cole and Crash stopped behind him.

They all dismounted.

Chuck lit a cigarette. “So, patch over, man. Huh?”

Cole nodded. “Yeah. You ready to wear the angel-of-death on your back?”

“Ready? Hell, lookin’ forward to it.”

“Right.” Cole slid a look to Crash, who rolled his eyes. Chuck missed the exchange. Cole continued with the small talk, wanting to distract Chuck from becoming suspicious. “So, how many guys you think will stay on?”

“Shit. Half those bastards will walk.”

“Really? That many?”

“Yeah. They think they’re tough. But when it comes down to it-”

The sound of an approaching vehicle had them all turning to look back toward the road. A moment later a white cargo van was heading toward them. It pulled up, and stopped.

Cole could see there was no one in the passenger seat. Good news. He glanced at Crash, as if to say ‘get ready’.

The driver door opened, and the driver got out. He came around the front of the van, and walked over to them. Cole sized him up. He was young. Probably late twenties. Asian, most likely Chinese. Had an attitude. Had his chin in the air.

“Ling, this is Cole.” Chuck made the introductions. “Cole, Ling.”

“I understand you provide a ‘special product’,” Cole stated.

“Depends. What do you need?” Ling asked.

“What can you get us?” Cole countered.

Ling stared him down.

Cole stared right back.

“Caught me at a good time. Had a real good night’s work last night. Got plenty of inventory.” Ling jerked his head back toward the van.

Cole glanced back at the van, and then over at Crash. Fuck! He wasn’t counting on this. He’d assumed Ling would come alone.

Ling walked over to the back of the van.

The guys followed, knowing they were going to have to play this up.

Ling pulled the doors open. “Take your pick. You want blonde, brunette, redhead. Hell, I got it all.”

Cole and Crash looked inside the van. It was crowded with young girls, all handcuffed and gagged. There were three on each side, leaning against the walls of the van.

Cole slid a stunned look back at Crash, and then said to Ling, “Holy shit! You weren’t kiddin’.”

Crash whistled. “You got some nice stuff.”

“How much?” Cole asked.

“Thousand a piece.”

Cole whistled. “That’s kind of steep.”

“This is primo stuff, man,” Ling insisted. “Young and fresh.”

Chuck piped in. “Oh, no doubt about that. He already had a chance to sample your product.” Chuck glanced over at Angel, who was standing back by the bikes.

Ling looked over at her, and nodded. “Right. I remember that one.”

Cole gave Chuck a deadly look. “Keep your Goddamn mouth shut, Chucky.”

Chuck closed his mouth.

Cole looked again at the girls. He bet some of them couldn’t be more than fifteen or sixteen.

“You interested or not? I got places to be,” Ling pressured.

Cole looked at Ling, and smiled. The little weasel. He was going to take real pleasure in ending his life. “Sure. I’m interested. How much for all of ‘em?”

Ling looked surprised, but he only hesitated a moment. “All of ‘em?”

“Yeah. Quantity discount.”

“Five grand.”

“Can you get more?” Cole asked.

Ling looked from Cole to Crash. “Yeah. Sure. How many we talkin’ about?”

“Need twelve or fifteen. To start.” Cole crossed his arms.

Ling smiled.

“This may be a long term relationship, Ling. Do we have a deal?” Cole held his hand out.

Ling reached to shake his hand.

What happened next, happened so fast that Angel couldn’t believe it. Cole was shaking Ling’s hand, and then he yanked Ling toward him, flung him against the open van door, twisting his arm behind his back, and stuck a gun in his side.

At the same time, Crash pulled a gun, and had it aimed at Chuck’s forehead. He ordered Chuck to drop his weapons, and watched as Chuck pulled a gun from under his cut, and it clattered to the pavement. Then he pulled another that was stuffed in the back waist of his jeans. Then he pulled a knife from his boot, and dropped it as well. Crash patted him down.

Cole did the same with Ling, keeping him face first in the van door. Then he aimed the gun at the back of Ling’s head.

Crash fired off two shots in the air.

“What the hell is this?” Ling demanded.

“Your dirty little business is being shut down,” Cole replied in Ling’s ear.

Chuck had his hands

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