Outlaw - By Nicole James Page 0,111

Base for a short time when I was in the service.”

“Really?” She smiled. “That’s not too far from where I live.

“It was years ago, but I remember it being hot as hell there.”

“So, you were in the service?”

“I only lasted four years. Authority and me? We don’t get along too well.” He grinned.

She nodded. “I see.”

“How about I show you around tomorrow? That is, unless Cole had plans.” Mack looked over at Cole, an expression on his face that said he’d better not have any plans.

Cole shook his head, and raised his hands. “Nope. No plans.” He looked at Natalie. She was on her own with this one. He actually was interested to see how she’d handle Mack’s advances.

Natalie studied Mack. She had some things she’d like to talk to him about, like why he’d sent Angel packing. And what he had against the idea of Cole and Angel being together. Maybe this would give her the opportunity to find out. “Well, if you’re sure it’s not putting you out.”

Cole tried to keep the grin off his face. He had a feeling who he thought Mack was hoping would be putting out.

“Not at all,” Mack replied. “Do you ride?”

Natalie shook her head.

“Ever been on a bike?”

“No. I’m afraid not.”

“Would you like to? The coast is really something better seen from the back of a bike.”

“I guess that would be okay, but I don’t have a helmet.”

“Not a problem, darlin’. I’ll find you one.”


Cole looked between them. He didn’t know what to make of this. It could be good or bad.

Natalie looked over at Cole, and then back to Mack. “Well, I’ve taken up enough of your time. I just wanted Cole to stop by for a moment so I could see the place, and meet you.”

Cole was relieved. He was more than ready to get her out of here. No telling what Mack would do, given more time, and the way he was already hitting on her.

“No rush. You don’t have to run off.”

“I appreciate that, but it was a long flight, and I’m tired.”

“Oh, of course. Well, I’ll pick you up tomorrow, say about ten?”

She nodded, and stood. “That’ll be fine.”

Mack and Cole both stood as well.

“Well, thank you again. It was nice to meet you.” Natalie extended her hand to Mack.

This time he just shook it. “I look forward to tomorrow.”

Cole gave Mack a look over Natalie’s head, as if to ask, ‘what the hell are you doing’, and he turned, and led her outside.

They climbed in the truck, and Cole looked over at Natalie, and smiled, as he started the engine. “Well, you made an impression.”

She looked back at him. “Oh, Lord. I think I’m in over my head, here.”

Cole laughed as he pulled out of the lot. “You’re on your own, here, darlin’.”

“Maybe I should cancel.”

Cole looked at her, still smiling, and shook his head. “I wouldn’t do that. Not unless you want to piss him off.”

“This was a bad idea, wasn’t it?”

“It wasn’t really your idea, now was it?” Cole glanced between her and the road. He noticed the worry etched on her face. “Don’t worry. You’ll be fine. If he makes any moves on you, and you don’t want him to, just tell him no. He’s a big boy. He can handle it.”

“Will that stop him?”

“I honestly don’t know.”

When she didn’t say anything, Cole reassured her. “Don’t worry. He’s not going to rape you, if that’s what you’re worried about.”

“He’s not married is he? Or have one of those, what do you call them, old ladies?” she asked nervously.

Cole smiled. “Nope. Not at the moment.”

When they got back to his house, they sat out on the back porch, and talked.

“So, you’ve seen where I live. You’ve seen the club. What do you think?” Cole asked. He had considered telling Natalie about the money, but he didn’t want that to sway her decision. Either she liked him or she didn’t. Either he was good enough or he wasn’t. He didn’t want it to be about the money. He would tell them about that later. That would just be icing on the cake.

Natalie looked over at him. “You’re quite a contradiction, Cole.”

He wasn’t sure he liked the sound of that. “Am I? How so?”

“A biker that likes flea markets, antiques, and builds furniture. A man who’s a member of an outlaw motorcycle club, but calls this quiet, tree-lined neighborhood home.”

Cole took a hit off his cigarette, taking that in.

She continued, “I think you have a lovely

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