Out of the Storm (Buckhorn, Montana #1) - B.J. Daniels Page 0,85

on Kate.

“Shut up.” Collin shoved him down onto the chair. Jon almost went over backward but caught himself. His brown eyes darkened. “Just know, if you let anything happen to her, I will hunt you down and kill you. And I think by now you realize that I’m serious.”

The way he said it, quietly as if talking about the weather, Collin felt a chill run the length of his spine. He fought the urge to shoot the man and get it over with. Instead, he tucked the gun into the waist of his jeans and ripped off a long piece of duct tape. Grabbing the man’s wrists, he forced them together as he began to wrap the tape around them as quickly as possible. He could feel the darkness of the basement as if it was creeping up behind him.

He could also feel Jon’s eyes on him. The man’s declaration hadn’t been a threat. It had been a promise. It was why Collin couldn’t have Jon out there hunting him down. He’d make that phone call the first chance he got.

That’s if Gerald didn’t kill Jon the moment he and Kate left.

Either way, coming after Kate was going to cost Jon his life.

* * *

KATE SAW COLLIN’S expression when he rushed back up the stairs. He was pale, sweating and visibly shaking. Had he hurt Jon? Killed him? She took a step toward him but was stopped by the man she’d heard referred to as Gerald. Her heart was pounding. She grabbed Collin’s arm. “If you hurt him—”

He jerked free of her hold. “Don’t touch me. I’m tired of being threatened.”

“He didn’t hurt Jon,” Gerald quickly assured her. “Isn’t that right, Collin?”

He nodded, and she caught his eye. She stared daggers at him, hating him with a passion she hadn’t known possible. Collin had gotten her into this, but she’d been the one to drag Jon in. She’d never forgive Collin. But it would kill her if something happened to Jon because of her.

“Make us something to eat,” Gerald said. At first she thought he was talking to her but then realized he was looking at Collin.

“I don’t cook,” he said angrily, as if fed up with the lack of respect he was getting. “Let her do it.”

Gerald shook his head. “Scramble us up some eggs. I’m sure you can handle that.”

“I didn’t see any eggs in the refrigerator,” Collin answered.

“Look again. I had groceries delivered, and I definitely ordered eggs,” Gerald said. “You’ll find everything you need.” Collin looked as if he was going to argue, but sighing, said, “Fine. But she’s going to help me.” He looked toward the kitchen, waiting.

Kate was determined not to move, but then Gerald gave her a nod. It was clear that this man was in charge. Also, she suspected there might be knives in the kitchen. The idea of arming herself had more than a little appeal.

She raised her chin in defiance but turned to go into the kitchen. She could hear Collin’s heavy footsteps behind her. When they were both out of earshot, she spun around just inches from him. “What did you do to Jon?” she asked in a hoarse whisper.

Collin looked startled for a moment. “Nothing. I just tied him to a chair. He’s fine.”

She gave him a withering look. “Nothing is fine about this,” she whispered. “Surely you realize that by now.” He said nothing. “You think they’re going to let you live after this?” She shook her head in disbelief at what this man had gotten her into and himself as well. Couldn’t he see how badly this was going to end? “You need to get us out of this.”

“I can’t,” he whispered back. She heard the desperation in his voice as well as the fear. It appeared he did realize that he was in over his head. Not that it helped, she thought.

“How’s breakfast coming in there?” Gerald called from the other room.

“You’ll never get out of this alive,” she whispered. “And you brought it all on yourself.” With that she headed for the refrigerator, turning her back on him.

* * *

COLLIN FELT HIS cheeks flush with embarrassment at the truth. Kate was right. He was out of his league. He felt stung by Gerald’s contempt for him. Worse, Kate’s. He told himself that he would ferry the drugs across the border, meet the distributor, collect the money and show them all. Anyway, there was no getting out of it now, just as he’d told her.

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