Out of the Storm (Buckhorn, Montana #1) - B.J. Daniels Page 0,35

the paper. The smell made Kate’s stomach roil. The woman handed them each a milkshake in a foam cup with lids and two straws. “Have a nice trip.” She seemed to hesitate, her gaze on Kate again. “Be careful.” With that, she took the money Collin gave her, thanking him when he told her to keep the change, and hurried back to the kitchen.

Kate noticed the looks they got as they left the café. Why did she feel as if she was letting everyone down, not just herself but these people as well? Collin took her arm and steered her out, letting the door close behind them. Snow swirled around them in this snow-globe world of white. She felt dizzy from the whirling flakes, from the cold, from the emotions, from the unshed tears that lodged in her throat and made her chest ache. She huddled down into her scarf and the collar of her coat against the bite of the wind and air crystals that stuck to her face and eyelashes.

“I’m getting a little sick of this stuff,” Collin said as they headed back toward the motel and their waiting car. “But I promised myself that you would finally get to see snow. Still want to make a snow angel?”

“Maybe we should cut this trip short,” she suggested and then saw his expression and wished she had bitten her tongue instead.

“I’ve already told my associates we would meet them. I can’t get out of that. Do you understand? This is important. It would raise too many questions if you don’t come with me. You owe me this much.”

“I’m sorry, but I don’t understand why it is so important that I meet these men.”

He sighed and raked a hand through his hair before his gaze came back to hers. “It was supposed to be a surprise, but since you won’t let this go... I commissioned a special wedding dress for you.”

“You what?”

“I saw this dress in a magazine. It looked perfect for you. My associates found a place in Canada that would make the exact one in your size. That’s the other reason we’re going to Canada.”

“Oh, Collin.” It was so thoughtful and so unexpected. She felt tears burn her eyes.

“I still have to pick up the dress and pay for it even if you...don’t want it. But I wish you’d at least go to Canada with me. I’m going to look like enough of a fool to my associates when I pick up the wedding dress and I have no fiancée with me. After that, I’ll be happy to put you on a plane—if that’s what you want.”

She nodded. “Of course. I’m sorry.” He was right. This was the least she could do. “I’m just cold and tired and—” The rest of her words died on her lips as she looked across the street and saw the light coming through the crack in the carriage-house doors. Over the wind spinning snowflakes through the air, she heard the high whine of a saw.

Jon Harper had come back.


COLLIN MUST HAVE followed her gaze and then seen her expression. “I’m putting an end to this right now!” he swore, shoving the bag of burgers at her as he threw down his milkshake into the deep snow before stomping across the highway.

Caught off guard, she watched him barrel toward the light glowing in the workshop. She felt fear for what he would do in the mood he was in. But her overwhelming emotion was one of euphoria.

Danny had come back. She wanted to laugh and cry at the same time. Her heart filled to overflowing. He hadn’t run out on her. He never had. He just didn’t remember her. And for some reason, he couldn’t leave her this time.

For a moment, she didn’t move, could hardly breathe. The bag holding the burgers had been greasy. Now it was wet from the falling snow. She spotted a trash can and dumped the bag and her milkshake into it. She felt scared. Her future hadn’t been this uncertain since the day of the explosion. Would it make a difference what Collin said to him? Or what the man she knew was Danny said to Collin?

She started across the highway to follow Collin but stopped as he came rushing out of the old carriage house. He saw her standing there, her arms akimbo, and slowed. She wondered if he saw the hope in her expression. Or the fear. Or maybe worse, how excited she was

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