Out of the Depths - By Pamela Hearon Page 0,55

as an email to Jaci along with a request: Would you print this out and bring it to me when you come to the hospital? Thanks!

She opened her bank account and stared gloomily at her dwindling savings. The hospital bills were going to take most, if not all of what she had left. Getting this job was more imperative than ever, but not because of Chance.

She opened her photo files, determined to email her portfolio to Charlie Short today.

* * *


Chance was exhausted and wanted nothing more than to settle back into the pillows and snooze the day away. He had yawned several times, but the statuesque redhead with the weird accent that irritated the shit out of him wouldn’t take the hint.

“Brilliant!” Denise gasped into her phone, and Chance grimaced at the word.

Who in the hell says brilliant around here?

Although she grew up in Benton, Kentucky, Denise was more than proud of her college years at Oxford. Apparently, she’d practiced to rid herself of the western Kentucky accent, but the results came across as laughably phony and set Chance’s teeth on edge.

He’d tried hard to like her—she was, after all, his dad’s handpicked favorite. Beautiful. Successful. Well connected. She was everything Bill Brennan wanted in a daughter-in-law, and she had no qualms about showing her interest in Bill’s son. Hell, she’d done everything but show up on his doorstep naked. They’d been to dinner three times, and, rather than sex, Chance had found himself fantasizing about sticking a sock in her mouth so he could eat in peace.

He closed his eyes, trying to block out Denise’s phone conversation by conjuring a memory of Kyndal’s nonpretentious Southern drawl.

“Is he asleep?”

Southern—but deep and male and definitely not Kyndal—the voice startled Chance out of his daydream. He opened his eyes and focused on the man standing beside his bed.

“Rick Warren.”

Rick clasped his hand like a brother’s. “How you doin,’ guy?”

Chance gave him a weak smile. “I’m gonna make it, thanks to you.”

The ranger’s face pinkened at his words. “Glad I could be of service.”

His visitor’s presence brought an assortment of emotions to the surface of Chance’s awareness. This man had saved his and Kyndal’s lives so, foremost, Chance felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude. But a tiny niggle of something else was there. Resentment? Jealousy? Kyndal had shown an interest in Rick. If they started dating, as they had planned to do, she would probably be intimate with him. Maybe sometime soon.

Chance forced a yawn to release the ache in his tight jaw muscles.

But Rick Warren was a great guy—the kind of guy Kyndal deserved. Someone who would love her and take care of her…be all those things he himself couldn’t be. It eased the guilt, knowing she would have Rick in her life.

“Soon then. Ta-ta.”

Damn! Denise’s voice instantly tightened his jaws again. Who in the hell says ta-ta?

Denise slid her phone into her pocket, and just as smoothly, her eyes slid over the ranger. “And who might this be?” Hand extended, she sauntered around the end of the bed, the sway of her hips exaggerated by the tight fit of her skirt.

Chance watched Warren’s eyes rove over the woman in an all-too-familiar gesture.

Well, I’ll be a son of a bitch. He can’t do that.

Before Chance could answer, Rick had taken Denise’s hand. “Rick Warren, ma’am.”

“Rick’s Kyndal’s boyfriend,” Chance interjected.

Rick shook his head. “Um, not really.”

“You’re the hero I’ve been reading about. How fascinating.” Denise’s voice was almost a purr, but it scraped across Chance’s eardrum like a claw. She withdrew her hand, and he watched her eyes drop to Rick’s left, no doubt checking for a ring.

Chance tried to shift the conversation again. “Yeah, Rick risked his life to save the woman he loves.”

The ranger turned a bright red face toward Chance. “Actually, I care about Kyndal, but we’re just good friends. Nothing more.”

Denise laid a hand lightly on Rick’s arm. “Where did you pick up that yummy Southern drawl?”

“Arkansas, ma’am.”

She works to get rid of an accent, but on him it’s “yummy”?

Denise’s throaty laugh sounded as if she was gargling. “‘Ma’am’? Ooooo!”

“If you and Kyn are just good friends, she hasn’t figured that out.” Chance spoke a little louder to try and get Denise’s attention. She seemed to be ignoring him, yet hanging on Warren’s every word. “She talked about you nonstop the whole time we were together.”

Rick gave Chance a bewildered look. “So…um…when will they let you out of here?”

“A few more days.” Chance

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