Out of the Depths - By Pamela Hearon Page 0,21

being a judge.”

“So you plan on getting involved in politics.” Obviously since judges are elected officials.

He shrugged. “Nonpartisan…but yeah.”

She wouldn’t allow herself to analyze why his words squeezed at her heart. She just wanted to go to the cave, get her shots, then hightail it back to Dover, Tennessee, and dreams of a new job—with a few fantasies of Ranger Rick thrown in for good measure.

She turned her back to Chance. “Do you have a stepladder?” She threw the question over her shoulder as they made their way down the stairs. “We may need it to reach the opening to the vug.”

“Yeah, I have one, but we don’t want to lug that with us for a half mile.” Chance waved away the idea. “If the opening’s no higher than you said, I can boost you up and then make the jump myself.”

His hands were going to have to touch her body in various places. Her mouth went dry at the thought. She’d have to steel herself not to react. It had been a while since anybody had touched her anyplace interesting.

Chance grabbed the backpack by the kitchen door as they headed out.

The temperature had risen even higher, and the sky had darkened appreciably since they went inside. Humidity hung heavy in the air with a cloying stickiness.

“It’s so warm, they’re calling for a chance of hail. Better put your car in the garage.” Not giving her time to argue, Chance went to the keyless entry by the garage door and punched in a code.

Kyndal pulled her Jeep in, allowing only a brief comparison of her car to the black SUV and the sleek, silver Porsche Boxster occupying the other two spots. She was careful not to crowd the corner obviously set up for Chesney with a doggie door, blankets, and food and water dispensers.

She pulled her backpack out of the backseat and slung it over her shoulder. “Will Chesney follow us?”

Chance shook his head as he punched the button to let the garage door down. “She wears an electric collar that gives her the run of about two acres. She’ll know when to turn back.” He motioned toward a well-worn path through the trees behind the garage. “Follow the yellow brick road.”

The Munchkin voice coming from such a body was too incongruous, and Kyndal laughed in spite of herself.

“Well, it’s about time.” Chance’s arm went around her shoulder in a quick hug as they walked. “I’ve been waiting to hear a real laugh from you for almost twenty-four hours.”

The hug felt nice. Not flirtatious. Almost like the one this morning from Bart.

Maybe she was being too sensitive. Maybe it was time to let go of her hurt and embarrassment. Loosen up. Count her blessings. She had a night out with her best friends, a photo-worthy cave and an old friend to share it with, a promising hope of a new job—not bad for someone who’d been facing jail time the day before.

All right, it didn’t have to be just business. She threw her arm around Chance’s waist and hugged back. “Sorry I’ve been so uptight. The whole experience yesterday messed with my mind, you know? Too many shocks to the system for one day.”

Thunder rumbled through the trees, sending Chesney scurrying back toward the garage. “Well, don’t let your guard down just yet. There are some surprises still in store.” His arm tightened briefly around her, then he let go and quickened his pace.

As if to punctuate his words, a raindrop plopped onto the end of her nose.

She broke into a jog to keep up.

* * *

THEY MADE IT INSIDE THE CAVE just before the storm broke. Chance watched Kyndal shiver as the coolness dropped over them like a wet blanket.

He rubbed the back of his fingers against her arm. “Cold?” It was a lame excuse to touch her again, but touching her was all he’d been able to think of since she’d gotten out of her car. The pink T-shirt hung loose from her shoulders, giving no hint of the curves that had been so obvious yesterday. He wanted to touch them, feel for himself they were still there and ignore the voice of reason telling him that would be a mistake

She shook her head as two hard buds poked through the cotton, contradicting her answer but enhancing the appeal of the T.

“I’ve got a couple of things to show you if you’ve got the time.” He watched the debate play across her face when she checked her watch.

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