Out of the Depths - By Pamela Hearon Page 0,14

Chance Brennan? Had hell frozen over?

She popped the trunk open and rolled her window down as Chance shoved his phone into his pocket. “Hey, Chance.” She forced a smile. “Haven’t seen you in forever. How are ya?”

“I’m doing well, Jaci. How are you and Bart?”

“We’re fine.” But what have you done to my best friend? If you’ve hurt her again, so help me, I’ll—

“I’ve been hearing good things about Décor and More.”

“That’s music to my ears.” She grabbed a few business cards from the stash in the sun visor and handed them to him. “Keep spreading the word.”

A worried look crossed his face, and he seemed about to say something else when Kyndal slammed the trunk. He hurried around to the passenger side, but not before Kyndal had herself safely tucked into the seat. She closed the door and stuck her hand out the window. “Thanks, Chance. You always said you’d buy that cave someday. I’m relieved that you own it today.”

Chance owned the cave? Wow, this should be some story.

Chance’s dark eyes softened as he leaned down to peer in the window. “It was good to see you again. It’s been way too long.” He shifted his eyes to Jaci. “Um, Jaci, I heard something about Julia recently…”

Her throat tightened at the mention of her business partner. Chance was Julia’s attorney, and if he’d already heard, her bad news must be out. She nodded. “It’s true. Breast cancer. Bilateral mastectomy. But they caught it early, so no chemo or radiation.”

Sadness shadowed his face. “That’s good news, at least. Do you think she’d mind if I called? I’d like to let her know I’m thinking about her.”

His words dissolved some of the anger she’d been allowing to surface toward him in regard to Kyndal. “I think she’d like that.”

“I’ll give her a call, then.” He straightened up and pulled out a business card, scribbled something on the back, and handed it to Kyndal. “If you ever need anything, Kyn, here’s my card. My cell number’s on the back.”

Kyndal nodded. “Thanks.”

She waved goodbye, and Jaci could see the strain as Kyndal forced her lips in a smile.

When they got onto the street, Jaci reached into the backseat, grabbed a box of tissues and tossed it into Kyndal’s lap. “I can see you’re in no condition to drive. We’re going to my house, and we’ll get your car later. Now tell me everything.”

Kyndal told her long, dramatic story all the way to Paducah, pain evident in her voice, though nothing like it had been those weeks after Chance broke up with her. Thinking about that time still made Jaci want to castrate him.

She and Chance were the only two people in the world Kyndal had ever fully trusted. When he betrayed that trust, Jaci had watched her best friend fall apart…and she’d been the one left to pick up the pieces.

She pulled the car into the garage and turned it off. They sat in silence while the garage door closed behind them.

She couldn’t bear to think about Kyndal going home to that sad little apartment tonight. Meeting up with Chance again had been bad enough, but doing it when she was out of a job went beyond rotten luck. Classic Kyndal. “You’re gonna stay here tonight.” She held up a hand to silence Kyndal’s protest. “And we’re gonna go out and end this day on a happy note.”

Kyndal shook her head. “I can’t afford it, Jaci. I have to keep an eye on everything I spend right now. I’m sure Mom’s going to want to leave this new jerk she’s with, and she’ll need gas money or bus fare to get home from wherever.”

Jaci had tired years ago of this person Kyndal called “mom” who was no mother at all, but always referred to herself as Mrs. Rawlings no matter who she was married to “to keep a strong connection to my baby girl.” Pffft! The only connection that woman cared about was the one that provided her public aid…and now Kyndal’s banking account, which was dwindling because of her.

“We’re not gonna argue about this, and we’re not gonna talk about your mom right now. Tonight’s my treat.” She turned to face Kyndal squarely, leaning against the driver’s

door. “What we are gonna talk about is this job you’re letting pass. You need this job, Kyn, and you need those pictures of the cave.”

She snatched Chance’s business card from the cup holder in the console and waved it in front of Kyndal’s face.

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