Out of Bounds (The Summer Games #2) - R.S. Grey Page 0,37

away from her, close enough to inhale the sweet scent of coconut from her shampoo.

“We just don’t think it’s appropriate for you to bring girls back to the house. Surely you can find somewhere else to fuck them.”

My lips twitched as the expletive left her lips, but that wasn’t the word I focused on.

“Women,” I corrected.

“What?” she asked, her gaze snapping back to me.

“I fuck women in my house. Not girls.”

Her eyes narrowed and I felt desire grip my cock like a warm hand. Those damn eyes. If they weren’t slicing me in two, they were begging me closer, promising to devour me.

I took another step closer. “You’re upset I brought my date back here?” I leaned in close so she couldn’t miss my words. “Guess what…” My voice was low, nearly a whisper. “This is my house and I’ll fuck here whenever I want.”

Her nostrils flared in anger.

“You’re supposed to be our coach! I just don’t thi—”

“I don’t care what you think,” I argued, cutting her off. Her back hit the front door as she tried to get away from me, but I conquered every inch she ceded. She thought she could manipulate my life, thought she could send her teammates over to do her bidding and there wouldn’t be consequences?


“Why don’t you say what you’re really mad about,” I continued.

The game was a diversion. Brie wanted Cassie gone, but she wasn’t being honest about her motive. She didn’t give a fuck about propriety; she was upset that Cassie was here for another reason…something she’d rather keep secret. I smirked, knowing full well what she was trying to keep hidden.

“Is this what you’re so desperate for, Brie?” I asked, my breath skimming her bare neck as I leaned forward. I was nearly brushing my lips across her skin, but I held off, gauging her reaction. “Is it my attention you crave?” I reached forward and gripped her lower back to bring her stomach flush with mine. I wanted her to feel my hardness, feel how real this situation was. Her hands reached out to grip my chest, trying to put a barrier between us, but I wouldn’t let her.

“Do you want me to touch you like I was going to touch her?” I was an inch away from her lips when she slid her tongue out to wet them.

I smiled, pleased with how much I was affecting her. “You’re not mad that I brought a woman back here, Brie. You’re mad that it wasn’t you.”

She practically snarled at the accusation. She reared back and pushed me away as hard as she could, but I barely budged.

“You’re an asshole,” she said, deflecting the accusation.

“And you’re a child having a tantrum. Get out of my house.”

She turned and whipped open the front door. The thick wood would have slammed straight into me had I not stepped out of the way in time. I watched her walk back to the guesthouse, sparks flying off her. She loved teasing and testing me, but she couldn’t handle the consequences. She thought she could keep nipping at me and I wouldn’t bite back.

After this morning in my kitchen, I’d assumed she was harmless, naive, but she’d pushed too far. She’d assumed too much. I’d needed a night with Cassie. I’d needed to blow off steam, sink my cock into a woman, grip her hair in my hands, and fuck her hard. Brie had ruined that and now, I wasn’t just going to bite back. I was going to draw blood.

Chapter Thirteen


Shrill, loud BANGS were the first thing I heard the next morning. They rang out downstairs like fireworks exploding in the sky and they broke me out of my REM cycle with a jolt.

“Jeez! What is that?”

“What’s going on?” Molly asked, jerking awake in the top bunk.

I wiped the sleep from my eyes and pushed off my bed just as the crashes started again, this time even louder. I pressed my hands to my ears, trying to dull the sound, but it didn’t help.



“You have five minutes to get dressed and get down here!” His voice boomed through the house, forcing a shiver down my spine.

Molly jumped off the bunk and started tossing clothes out of her suitcase.

“You coming?” she asked, turning to glance at me over her shoulder.

I’d been standing by, immobile, processing the fact that Erik was in our house, yelling. The night before, I’d assumed he would kiss me. His body was on mine, pushing me up against the door with

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