The Other Side of Greed (The Seven Sins #5) - Lily Zante Page 0,93

I have time to go shopping? At two o’clock on Sunday?

I do.

But then I also need to wash my hair, shave my legs, and put on a face mask.

Listen to me.

I’m changing who I am based on who I think he is.

I stop.

My ex used to moan that I was too tired to have sex with him. And then he got sick of me always being at the factory, and always being in sneakers and jeans.

I didn’t change for him and maybe that’s why he went and found someone else. I don’t want to think that I lost him because of something as fickle as the clothes I wore.

It’s what’s inside that matters. I am not going to shop for sexy lingerie. Brad knows who I am. He’s with me because of who I am. He likes me for me. Just like I like him for who he is.


She opens the door and instantly I catch a whiff of exotic fruits. She’s wearing a different scent. “Ready?”


My hands slip around her soft, slender frame, and we kiss for a few silent and happy moments.

I don’t dare get too comfortable around her, but I have a treat in store for her. Because she’s usually working on the weekend, I hope this will help her to relax.

“We’re going to be late,” I say, hating to pull myself away. She pulls at her lower lip with her teeth, unsure and hesitant. “Can you at least tell me where we’re going?”


“A little hint?”


“Wait and see.”

She giggles as we get into my car. “I feel like a child, excited about a journey. I don’t even care where we go, I just want you to know that I’ve already had a great time.”

Gratitude pours out of her, the way malice seeps out of Jessica. Everything Kyra says is the opposite to my interactions with Jessica.

“I’m hoping you’ll like it.” The ancient baths are a treat. I’ve been a few times, when I’ve had hard-hitting negotiations to take care of, and though pampering isn’t my style, I was persuaded by Emma to try them. She’s seen me at my most stressed and difficult and she booked me a session. I loved it so much, I bought the company.


Each time I think of her, I feel bad. She’s back home now, and I still have her on full pay for as long as she needs. She can take a year if she needs it. She might be determined not to come back, but I’ll create a role for her, even if it is so that she can keep an eye on that new PA.

I need Emma around somewhere. She’s too good to let go of, and the guilt consumes me because I’m the reason she’s injured.

“Hey.” Kyra’s hand settles on my thigh, a warm and gentle pull back to the present. “Where did you go?”

“Work stuff. Nothing important.”

“You’re thinking about work when we’re on a date?”

“I was thinking about Emma.” It slips out before I think.

“Emma? How is she related to your work?”

My jaw tenses.

“You don’t have to answer that,” she says quickly. “If you don’t want to. Not yet.”

She always gives me an out. Always lets me get away with it.

“What’s this?” Kyra glances out of the car window as we pull up in front of a building. It’s a restored factory and has been converted into an exclusive spa treatment place which offers out-of-this-world multi-sensory bath experiences as well as a whole range of special and exotic treatments, massages and therapies.

A woman’s paradise. I hope that Kyra, who probably would never come to something like this, will appreciate it. At least I hope she does.

“This is Fortuna Baths,” I tell her. “You must have heard of it?”

“I have.” We get out of the car. “Is this where we’re going?” she asks, slowly.

“Unless you have something better to do on a Sunday afternoon?”

Because I now own this place, I’ve instructed that it be closed to the public today, and that only the best staff are here. I’ve also instructed them to treat me like a guest and not be too familiar.

As soon as we walk inside, I see Kyra’s excitement rocket. Her jaw hangs open, then inches open slightly more as she admires the interior. An aura of tranquil calm abounds. The space is scented, the light bright in the lobby, but dim in the individual rooms and spaces which have hot baths, and ice-cold plunges. There are warm pools, jet pools and a saltwater flotarium.

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