The Orphan of Cemetery Hill - Hester Fox Page 0,88

was here with my father when he passed.” The man paused. “But as you said yourself, that was a month ago. I have not the slightest clue where you would find her now.”

Caleb’s heart sank. What had he expected? That the man would know exactly where Tabby had gone after and where she was right now? “I’m sorry for your loss,” he said. “And for imposing on you during this sad time.”

The man shrugged, and was just about to close the door when he paused, his expression turning thoughtful. “Do you know, you’re the second person to come looking for her. I wonder if there’s not something going around Boston and her services are in high demand. God help us if it’s the yellow fever again.”

Caleb froze. “Who...who was looking for her?” he asked, trying to sound casual.

But the man didn’t seem to hear Caleb’s question. He was looking at him with unnerving scrutiny. “You look extraordinarily familiar. Have we met?”

Damn those broadsheets advertising Caleb’s escape that Mr. Cooke had mentioned. Caleb flicked his tongue over his dry lips. “I believe we’re neighbors. We have probably passed each other in the street a dozen times and then some.”

The man was still staring at him. “Yes,” he murmured. “I suppose that is it.”

Before Caleb could say anything else, the door closed and the man disappeared. Alice shook her head. “I’d say we only have a matter of days, if not hours, before word gets out that you’re back in the city and the police come looking for you.”

Caleb stopped halfway down the steps, a thought striking him. “The police—that’s it!”

“What are you talking about?”

“Come on,” said Caleb, taking her by the elbow and practically dragging her the rest of the way down. “We’re going to have to go into the lion’s den.”

* * *

They stood outside the police station, their breaths coming out in white puffs in the chill air.

“Are you sure you want to go inside? You could wait out here while I make inquiries.”

Caleb nodded. Alice had made a sacrifice for Tabby all those years ago, and now it was his turn. “I have to do it.”

Walking with more confidence than he felt, Caleb headed into the station, Alice hesitantly following him.

He had envisioned a swarm of officers descending on him, yelling and clamping him in irons. But on the contrary, he and Alice passed inside with only the briefest of nods from a couple of men loitering in the hall.

Approaching the desk, Caleb had to clear his throat to get the officer’s attention. The man looked up from his newspaper, irritated. “Yes?”

“I’m looking for Officer Hodsdon. Is he here?” He assumed that by now Billy’s arm had fully healed and he was no longer on guard duty in the prison. If he wasn’t, then Caleb risked being arrested before finding him.

The officer gave him a long, hard look before answering. “Sergeant Hodsdon is in his office,” he said, jutting his chin vaguely to the hallway behind him.

Sergeant Hodsdon. So, he had gotten his promotion after all, though only God knew how after he had let Caleb escape. Sending up a brief prayer to some higher power, Caleb led Alice down the hallway where they found Billy’s office with his name and title neatly stenciled on the door. Caleb lightly rapped.

He almost didn’t recognize the man who looked up from his papers at their entrance. Officer Hodsdon had been young and eager, bright eyed and clean-shaven six months ago. But Sergeant Hodsdon had dark smudges under his eyes and a patchy dusting of stubble that spanned from his overgrown side-whiskers down his neck.

If Caleb didn’t recognize Sergeant Billy Hodsdon, Billy certainly recognized Caleb. The pen he had been holding dropped from his hand and he stood bolt upright, upsetting his chair. “W-what are you doing here?” He gazed frantically around the small office as if looking for a weapon or some way to defend himself against this murderer who had escaped from his custody. Caleb had only a few seconds before Billy probably started hollering for reinforcements.

“I’m here because of Tabby,” Caleb said quickly, putting himself on the other side of the desk.

At this, Billy stopped in his tracks, his face paling to a worrying shade of green. “What about her?”

“We believe she may be in danger,” Alice cut in.

Billy was stock-still for a prolonged moment before he crumpled back down into his seat and cradled his head in his hands. “She is, and it’s my fault, goddamn me.”

Caleb Copyright 2016 - 2024