The Orphan of Cemetery Hill - Hester Fox Page 0,21

all but loudly announced that he had just taken part in a clandestine encounter.

Tabby Cooke had tasted of licorice and sun-ripened strawberries, innocence and desire. He had never wanted the kiss to end. God knew he’d kissed his fair share of women before, but this had somehow been different. Even with Rose, the few times they’d shared a kiss there had been no real passion there. What on earth had he been thinking? It was a new low, even for him. His father’s voice rang out in his head: Good-for-nothing boy. Can’t keep your filthy hands to yourself, can you? Someday you’ll find yourself in real trouble and lord knows I won’t be the one to get you out of it.

It was just that he had been so good since getting engaged. Rose kept him honest and he wanted to please her, even if they weren’t in love. Every time he let his eye wander, he hated himself a little more. So why did he continually do this to himself?

Taking the marble steps two at a time, Caleb rapped his stick on the door and stood back. A moment later, an older black man in tails came to the door and looked down at Caleb with one brow disdainfully raised.

“I say, Roberts, it’s only me, no need to look so vexed. I’ve come to call on Miss Rose.”

But the butler didn’t budge. Perhaps the old man’s hearing was finally starting to go. Pity. Caleb tried again. “I’M HERE TO SEE MISS ROSE,” he said loudly, enunciating every syllable.

“Oh, for goodness’ sake,” said an irritated feminine voice. Rose swept out to the door. “Thank you, Roberts. I’ll handle this.”

The butler shot Caleb a scornful look, and then disappeared back into the house.

“Rose? What is this? Can I come in?”

“Caleb,” she hissed, throwing a look over her shoulder into the hall. “You have some nerve. You were supposed to be here hours ago for luncheon.”

He’d completely forgotten he had promised to come for luncheon today. He fidgeted with the brass head of his cane. He’d never had to beg permission to gain entrance to a woman’s house before. “I can explain. Can I please come in?”

“Mama and Papa are out—they got tired of waiting. I know the past week has been hard on you,” she said, softening a little, “but this is hardly like you. One moment you’re whisking me out to the theater, attentive and full of good cheer, and the next you can barely look me in the eye or bother to honor your engagements.”

He should have apologized and been on his way, but he had to get inside, had to explain to her how truly sorry he was for his behavior this past week. He couldn’t live with himself if he was the heel who seduced virgins behind his intended’s back. “Please? I won’t be but a moment and Roberts won’t let anything untoward happen.” He nodded toward the butler, who was vigorously dusting a clean vase and pretending not to eavesdrop.

He could see the indecision wrestling on her face, but eventually Rose stepped back and opened the door the rest of the way for him. She was wearing a blue silk dress with full bell-shaped sleeves and tiers of lace on the skirt. On another woman it might have looked overly fussy, but Rose wore it with easy grace, the blue bringing out her intelligent eyes and setting off her delicate features. What was wrong with him? What had she ever done to deserve this sort of treatment? And for God’s sake, why couldn’t he cajole his stubborn heart into feeling something more for her?

In the foyer, Caleb deposited his hat and cane on the sideboard and then followed Rose into the parlor. She didn’t offer him anything to drink, just perched herself on a settee and looked at him expectantly. “Well?”

“Look, I know I’ve been distant lately. You have to understand that losing my father was a terrible blow, and everything with the business... Well, I’m a bit lost.”

Massaging her temples with elegant fingers, Rose let out a long breath. “Caleb, I don’t doubt that losing your father has been difficult, but this isn’t like you. You could hardly stomach being in the same room as your father when he was alive.” She paused, a vulnerable edge creeping into her voice that made him feel like the worst kind of scoundrel. “You promised me you would be here today to set a date for the wedding, and Copyright 2016 - 2024