The Oracle (Fargo Adventures #11) - Clive Cussler Page 0,8

away the film left by mineral accretions, the mosaic patterns shimmered with a remarkable depth, some with semi-precious stones, revealing a temple with a man lying on the bottom step. “Isn’t it stunning?”


“The man lying along the bottom step of the temple and looking down into the water is supposed to be Narcissus. You can see Echo there behind the tree on the other side of the temple. She’s exquisite.” Renee tried to brush what remained of her water over the floor. It quickly evaporated. “Or she would be. You really need enough water to get the full effect. I’ll go fill the bucket.”

“I’ll go with you,” Remi said.

“It’s not that far to the water tank. Take your time, have a look around. Just stay on this side of the yellow and black tape.”

Renee climbed up the ladder through the maze of squeaking scaffolding and decks, then pulled herself out.

Remi walked beneath the scaffolding that filled most of the anteroom, looking at the patterned mosaic, trying to imagine what it must have been like to live in that area centuries ago. Some of the mosaic pieces had come loose along a crack that ran beneath the rubble all the way across the floor to the other side of the room. She bent down for a closer look as the wind gusted into the chamber, causing the scaffolding and deck boards to creak like the hold of a ship. Closing her eyes against the sting of dust wafting down, she waited for everything to calm. Soon, all was quiet and she turned her attention back to the mosaic, admiring the workmanship and wondering how long it had taken to place each tiny piece.

“Still there?”

Remi looked up, saw her friend silhouetted above her on the top deck. “Still here.”

“Might want to move away from the opening in case I spill water on you. It’s a crude system, but try to guide the bucket so it doesn’t hit the mosaic when it lands.” She lifted the pail onto a hook, the rope creaking in the pulley as she turned the crank. The bucket was no more than a few feet down when a loud crack startled them.

“What was that?” Remi asked. Drops of water hit her as the bucket swung high over her head.

It took a moment before Renee answered. “The pulley, I think.”

“Whatever it was can’t be good. Maybe we should skip the water.”

Renee, still holding the rope for the bucket, nodded. But when she tried to straighten up, there was another crack and the water-filled pail rushed downward. Attempting to stop it, she slammed her foot on the coil of rope. It ripped out from beneath her foot, wrapped around her leg, and knocked her over the side of the scaffolding. Suddenly she was the one falling as the bucket flew upward. Remi braced herself in an attempt to break her friend’s fall. But the rope went taut and the woman jerked to a stop, dangling above Remi’s head, too high for her to reach.

“Are you okay?”

“Holy . . .”

It wasn’t until Renee started spinning that Remi realized the rope wrapped around her leg was the only thing holding her up. “Grab the scaffolding,” Remi shouted.

Renee reached out, caught one of the pipes, and pulled herself to a stop. Several seconds passed before she gave what sounded like a small laugh. “Remember that frat party we went to our first year? This feels like that hangover.”

“It’s going to feel a lot worse if you fall.” Remi pulled out her phone to call Sam. No signal.

“You think that extension cord’s strong enough?”

Remi eyed the length of orange cord hanging down the side of the scaffolding. “Not sure that’s a good idea. Hang on. I’m going to climb up. Maybe I can pull you onto the deck and cut the rope.” But the moment she stepped onto the ladder, she heard another loud crack as dirt and debris fell from above.

She froze. One more step and she’d bring the entire thing down.


If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.


The moment Sam heard the crash echoing across the field, he whipped around. “What was that?”

“No idea,” Hank said.

Sam raced down the hill, past the water tank, seeing the remnants of an observation deck constructed over a large opening in the ground. “Remi?”

“Down here,” she shouted. “Renee’s caught in the rope. The deck gave way.”

Relief flooded through him on hearing his wife’s voice. When he reached the deck, he tested its surface Copyright 2016 - 2024