Operation Fake Relationship - Jay Northcote Page 0,26

sister Ruby chimed in. “But you’re coming for New Year, right? So we’ll see you both then?”

“Yes, that’s the plan.”

“What’s it like there?” his mum asked. “I hope it’s going okay. How’s Nick getting on with his dad?” She knew Nick had a difficult relationship with his dad. Not that they talked about it much, but when Jackson had brought Nick home for Christmas that first year when he couldn’t face going home it had been obvious. Jackson’s mum had welcomed him with open arms, and over the years Nick had become almost as much a part of the family as Jackson was.

“Things are still pretty tense between them,” Jackson replied.

“Oh. I’m sorry to hear that.”

Ruby popped into the frame again, asking, “What’s his dad like? Is he awful?”

“Not really. He’s definitely nothing like as bad as I imagined, but I think he’s changed a lot since they fell out. Seems to me like he’s trying to heal the rift, but Nick’s not very receptive.” He gave a huff of frustration. “I wish he’d lower his guard a bit.”

“It’s hard when someone’s been hurt, though,” his mum said gently. “It’s only natural that Nick would be defensive. He’s just trying to protect himself.”

“Yeah. I know. But I reckon he’ll regret it one day if he doesn’t accept the olive branch his old man’s waving at him.”

“Give them time, love. Maybe that’s what Nick needs.”

“Yeah.” It was all Jackson could do. It wasn’t like he could force Nick to kiss and make up with his dad.

They talked for a while longer and when it was time to go, Jackson blew them all kisses and wished them all a merry Christmas again before ending the call.

The house was very quiet as he made his way downstairs. The living room was empty, so he guessed the walkers were still out. Christmas choral music was coming from the kitchen again, so he went in there and found Reg peeling potatoes.

“Hello. I thought you were finishing your crossword,” Jackson said.

“I’ve done it!” Reg said triumphantly. “The whole damn thing. It was the Christmas special so it was twice the size of normal.”

“Well done.”

“Yes. It feels like quite an achievement.” He beamed.

Jackson wanted an excuse to chat to him a little more, and he had a feeling Reg would refuse help if it was offered, so he decided not to give him the choice. He’d noticed a drawer full of utensils when he’d helped clear away after lunch, so he got out another vegetable peeler and joined Reg at the island in the middle of the kitchen.

“Oh, thanks,” Reg said as Jackson picked up a potato. He looked a little surprised, but he didn’t object.

They worked in silence for a few minutes, until Reg asked, “So… you and Nick. Have you been together long?”

“Uh. Not that long really?” Jackson felt his cheeks heat. “Less than a year.”

“But you live together. Is that right?”

“We lived together anyway.” Inwardly, he was cursing Nick for putting him in this position. He hated lying and had always been fairly terrible at it. “We’ve been friends for a long time.” At least that much was true.

“That’s good. Sue and I were friends first too. I think it makes a solid basis for a relationship.”

“I’m sure it—I mean, yes. It absolutely does.”

“It’s good to see Nick looking happy.” Reg picked up another potato from the pile. “Well, if truth be told, it’s good to see him at all. I wasn’t sure he’d come.”

“He did need a bit of persuading.”

“So I heard.” Reg’s tone was serious. When Jackson chanced a sideways glance at him, his mouth was drawn down at the corners. “I’m glad he’s here, but I wish he’d let go of the past and relax a little.”

Jackson took a deep breath, hoping he wasn’t about to make an already tricky situation worse. “Reg, with respect, why don’t you try talking to him about it?” He bit back the urge to tell him he should apologise. “I know Nick, and he might be very good at holding a grudge, but he’s also good at giving people chances. He’s guarded, though, and he doesn’t trust people easily. So if you really want to fix things with him, you’ll need to make the first move.”

He stopped, heart beating fast.

Reg was silent for a long moment. “Thank you for your honesty,” he finally said. “And you’re right. I do need to talk to him. I know I was hard on him when he was young.

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