Operation Endurance - By Christi Snow Page 0,98

issue, but he hasn’t handled the stress of a situation well. I wouldn’t want that to negatively affect your classes or students, especially not now when they need the training you’re providing.”

“Okay,” she said, nodding slowly, worried about what this might mean for Pete and his future with the police department, and even what this might mean for him and Toni.

* * *

When Julie arrived at Krav Maga class that night, both Lyle and Stephen were there, but there wasn’t any sign of Pete.

“Have you heard from him?” she asked the guys.

They both shook their heads and exchanged worried glances, but obviously didn’t want to break Pete’s confidence. Toni was in this class and even she was unusually subdued as she kept an eye on the doorway, watching for him, too. He did finally arrive fifteen minutes before class ended, and this was a much different-looking Pete than Julie was used to seeing.

Normally, Pete was clean-cut with his dimples flashing constantly as he shared flirty smiles. He now had a couple of days of dark stubble on his jaw, bloodshot eyes, and a flat-lined mouth that spoke more about his state of mind than anything. Julie hated to see him this stressed out. He gave her a weak apologetic smile but it came nowhere close to touching the sadness in his eyes.

At this point in the class the students were practicing the moves, so Pete settled right into the class, helping to correct form and technique throughout the classroom to those who needed it. Julie didn’t get a chance to talk to him until almost all the students had left. He’d leaned up against the wall with his eyes shut and his head leaned back, the tension in his muscles obvious.

She laid her hand on his arm. “Are you okay?”

His eyes were so full of pain and sadness, she physically hurt for him. “Yeah, I’m fine. It’s just been a long difficult week. It will be over soon.”

And it was only Monday, but she figured he was talking about whatever the issue was with the police department. “Do you want to talk about it?”

He shook his head, but smiled tiredly at Toni who walked up beside her. “Not right now, but I may take you up on that sometime soon. Thanks, Julie. I’m sorry I was late tonight.”

“Don’t worry about it. Just take care of you. Y’all have a good night. The guys and I can finish up with the rest here.”

They walked out, Pete with his arm around Toni’s waist. She hoped his problems didn’t hurt their new relationship.

Lyle walked up also looking at the couple. “Man, this sucks.”

“Yes, it does. Whatever’s going on, I hope he gets it straightened out soon.” They all needed that for him. His two friends hadn’t been left unscathed by his situation as they appeared almost as distressed as he did. Whatever was going on in the Lubbock PD was taking its toll on all its officers. Having dealt with several of them on a regular basis, these guys knew how to handle stress, but none of them seemed to be at the height of efficiency right now.

Lyle nodded and pressed his lips together in thought.

With a serial killer loose and becoming more and more unpredictable, the guys of the Lubbock PD needed to be on their game.

Chapter 37

His final special one before Julie. He smiled kindly at her. “It’s okay, Louisa. The end to your unhappiness is close at hand.” He ran his gloved hand along the side of her face, ignoring her flinch. “You know, I’ve been watching you. I see how unhappy you are with the life Slade has left you with. It’s hard having a brother who has such absolute, corrupt power. He really is a bad man, but that’s okay, because it brought us together. Tonight I’m going to free you from all your pain. And by liberating you, you’ll help me liberate my sweet, innocent Jocelyn.”

A tear rolled down his cheek. The end was so close. It was bittersweet. He’d enjoyed his time with his special ones and knew that the ones who lived were happier for it. And those that hadn’t, like sweet, little Louisa here… Well, their sacrifice for the cause would lead them to the happy ever after. A place where no sadness existed. They should all be so lucky.

“You should be so thankful, Louisa. You’re my final gift, my final special one, before Julie, who’s my lucky number thirteen. Then Jocelyn and I

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