Operation Endurance - By Christi Snow Page 0,86

the hot, flushed skin of his back as little flutters of her core continued to grab at him. He didn’t want to change anything about their position, but knew he had to be squishing her. Slowly he pulled out, causing them both to groan at the loss of connection. He turned to his side, pulling her onto his chest as he rolled.

Immediately sleep began to pull him back down, but he smiled when he heard her whisper, “That was perfect.”

* * *

Chris awoke to the mixed aromas of coffee and bacon. His stomach rumbled. Rolling over to look for the clock, he groaned. It was already 1:00 in the afternoon. But then the beginnings of a smile spread across his face. Despite his attack, last night had been one of the best of his life.

Already half hard from a morning woody, his cock sprang to fully erect as memories of Julie and the night before floated through his mind. He rubbed his palm over it. Damn, he’d missed that feeling, but it was even better when he had it pressed against Julie. Thank God, everything seemed to be fully functional again. He needed to find her.

He sat up in the bed and his muscles, both the abused ones and the overused ones, screamed in protest. He gently pulled the covers off his knee to examine it. Swollen again. Yeah it probably hadn’t been a good idea to make love to Julie from the top last night.

There were several new shades of angry purples and blues and those colors had spread out more from where they’d been last night. It looked bad, but as he gently flexed it, he had to admit it didn’t feel as bad as it looked, just tight and sore. It was probably time for some more ice. He slowly rose out of bed, looking around for some clothes before remembering he’d come in wrapped in a blanket last night, so he wrapped that same blanket around his waist and hobbled into the guest room where he could get some basketball shorts and a t-shirt out of his bag.

By the time he was dressed, his muscles were a bit more limber and he wasn’t moving like an eighty-five year old man anymore.

He stopped in the doorframe of the kitchen where he spotted Julie, leaning over the counter so he had a tantalizing glimpse of her bare breast under her silky robe. She worked on a list while chewing on a piece of bacon. She finished one list, ripped it off and immediately started writing on another. Her brow creased in concentration as she scribbled furiously. Rachel had told him to not let Julie make lists.

Glancing around her kitchen, he noticed there seemed to be more pieces of paper than usual stuck everywhere. Rachel had seemed pretty sure that the lists were a bad thing, so maybe he should explore this issue a bit.

He stepped into the room and Julie looked up at him with a smile.

Joining her on the other side of the breakfast bar, he wrapped his arms around her tiny waist. “Good morning, Butterfly, even if it is afternoon.” He breathed in the scent of pear and jasmine mixed with hot sex. “Why didn’t you wake me up when you got up?”

“I thought you needed your sleep.” She kissed the corner of his mouth and then turned his face so she could examine the bruises in the light, wincing as she did so. “How sore are you?”

He shrugged. “It’s not as bad as I expected and definitely better than the alternative. I’m just happy to be alive and kicking still. Really, really happy.” He slid a hand into the gaping neckline of her robe and palmed her breast. The nipple immediately hardened under the palm of his hand and her eyes darkened, but she slipped out of his grasp.

“Nuh uh, first of all,” she pointed her finger at him, “you need food to keep this up. And second of all,” she sat down on her haunches in front of him and gently smoothed her fingers over the tight skin of his knee, “we need to get some more ice on this to get the swelling down. It also would probably be a good idea to get a call in to your orthopedist so he can x-ray it and make sure nothing was damaged.”

He knew she was right, but he just wanted to stay in bed with her all day. Was that so wrong? “Tell you

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