Operation Endurance - By Christi Snow Page 0,8

take it over and turn it into an event. We thought we’d just grab the gang and head out to Vegas on the Mad Rob jet.”

“You make it sound like it’s already a done deal.”

Penelope wrinkled her forehead as she looked at the binder in Julie’s hands with concern. “Yeah, it pretty much is. I know you like to plan ahead so you probably should mark it on your calendar. June 19-21st. The wedding will actually be June 20th.”

This seemed awfully fast. Julie glanced suspiciously at Penelope’s untouched champagne. “Wait a minute, you aren’t…”

Penelope looked up at her with stricken eyes. “Damn,” she muttered. “I wasn’t supposed to let anyone know yet. Colton’s going to kill me.”

Julie sucked in a shocked breath and let it flow over her like a physical blow. Breathe. Just breathe. Don’t think about Nugget. Don’t think about all she’d lost. Not now.

She knew this was going to happen to one of her friends eventually. She just wasn’t prepared for it to happen to Penelope, who’d never even wanted kids or a husband. She forced a strained smile for Penelope’s sake. “Congratulations, Pen.”

“Shh, thanks, but we aren’t telling anyone yet.” Penelope beamed at her. “We didn’t want to wait since both Colt and I want kids, but we don’t want this to overshadow Cassie and Jake’s wedding day. Don’t mention it to Chris or Cassie. Colton wants to be the one to tell them.”

Julie sat there, stunned. How did this happen in such a short amount of time? Within the next month and a half, both her best friends would be happily married and she’d be alone. She was happy for them. Really she was, but it just left her feeling like her life was spinning out of control…again. She searched in her purse for a fresh notepad and started scribbling furiously, the new list involving things she would need to do to help Penelope prepare for an elopement and a baby.

Penelope’s hand settled over the pen to stop her. She looked up, “What—”

“Julie, it’s going to be alright. Relax.” Julie gazed into Penelope’s concerned eyes. “I want you to focus on me. Breathe in slowly and then breathe out.” When she wasn’t running the bookstore or writing, Penelope taught yoga and she used her soothing instructor’s voice on Julie. “That’s right. Just keep doing that. Slowly and methodically.”

Julie’s nerves settled as she watched Penelope and focused on her breathing.

“Why are we doing yoga breathing? What’s happened?” Cassie asked, concerned.

They turned in unison and gasped. Cassie stood there, absolutely stunning in her Italian lace bridal gown. Of course, they’d both seen it before, but that had been the store sample pulled together across Cassie’s slender build to make it look like it fit. This one was the one made for her and it fit her like a glove.

Julie rushed over to Cassie’s side and admired her reflection in the mirror. “Jake’s not gonna know what hit him when he spies you coming down that aisle.”

Penelope had begun to sob quietly into the tissue the saleslady handed her. Cassie turned to her in disbelief while Julie tried to hide her smile. Penelope and Colton weren’t going to be able to hide this pregnancy for long at this rate. Penelope was obviously suffering from a huge case of out-of-control hormones.

Unfortunately though, Cassie wasn’t aware of that. She jumped down off the pedestal and rushed over to take Penelope into her arms. “Pen, what’s wrong?”

“Nothing. You just look so gorgeous.” Penelope sucked in watery breaths as she pushed Cassie back. “Stand back. I don’t want to get snot all over you.”

All three of them giggled, but Cassie continued to study at Penelope nervously. “Are you sure that’s all it is?”

“Yes, of course it is. I’m just so happy for you and Jake.” Penelope started sobbing full out, so the words were barely decipherable.

Julie decided it may be time to step up and deflect some of Cassie’s attention. “It looks gorgeous, Cassie. Does everything feel like it fits right? Lift your arms. Can you move okay? What about your bra? Does it work okay with the dress? Are you wearing the shoes you’re planning to wear on your wedding day?”

Cassie rolled her eyes. “Everything’s perfect except for the fact that Pen continues to sob her eyes out. What’s going on?” She eyed them both suspiciously.

Penelope sniffled, but managed to pull herself into some semblance of normal. “I’m fine. Sorry, I guess this is just what love does to me. You

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