Operation Endurance - By Christi Snow Page 0,69

close to her. He could even smell her sweet scent. He closed his eyes and savored the fact. The temptation was there to take her now, but no, it wasn’t time. He rubbed his fingertips together, scant inches from her skin.

He wouldn’t give over to the emotion, at least not yet. The time would come and then he could channel all those feelings of anger, frustration, and sadness that threatened to overwhelm him. Breathing deep, he slowly regained enough control so he could enjoy the vision in front of him.

A click reverberated from the living room. What was that? His gaze flew to the doorway and he heard the unmistakable sound of someone entering the house. He rushed over to her closet, pulling the door behind him so he could peer out the crack.

The neighbor walked in the room, his hair wet and dripping on his collar. He must have just gone home to shower. Seething, he watched as that man stood there and observed her while she slept. The neighbor had no right to invade her privacy this way. Anger pulsed. With her asleep, the guy let his emotion show. Pure love showed in his eyes while he watched her.

No, no, no. This isn’t the way this was supposed to go. He wasn’t allowed to look at her like that. She was one of his special ones— like Jocelyn. She couldn’t belong to him. Once again the red swam into his vision. He could go out and kill the guy right now like he deserved, but that would ruin everything. He had to be smart about this, for Jocelyn’s sake.

Julie lay there, still sleeping, blissfully unaware. Her hair was soft and dark like Jocelyn’s had been. He imagined running his fingers through it….remembering. Jocelyn had always liked it when he played with her hair and he’d loved playing with it.

The sound of the bedroom door snapping shut interrupted his reverie. The neighbor had left the room. He’d gotten distracted which made him sloppy. Not acceptable. None of this was acceptable, most especially not having that man here looking at Julie like she belonged to him. The man had ignored his warnings and now he’d have to pay.

He slowly opened the closet door and listened. From the rattling in the kitchen, the man was making himself at home in Julie’s house. He would not allow this man to interfere with his plans for Julie. Creeping to her side, he leaned down to inhale her luscious aroma.

It was time to leave, but first he needed something. He searched the floor of her room, but even sick, she had everything organized, neat. Inspiration struck and he peered back into the closet. Yes. There in the corner was a basket filled with her dirty laundry. Quickly he pulled out his pocket pen light so he could see what he was looking at, and then he located two pairs of her panties. Lifting them to his nose, he closed his eyes with the ecstasy. She was his, but not yet.

He tiptoed back into the room, turning the blinds as he went so he’d be able to see her from all the angles as she moved about. Then he quietly unlocked the French doors in her bedroom and let himself out onto the patio. Here again, the bushes were perfect. He slid in amongst the branches of one so he could still see her head resting beautifully on her pillow. The aroma of her lingered in his nostrils. The adrenaline pulsed from the danger of his adventure.

But as he lifted the panties, he knew success was his, now and in the future. Sliding one pair into his pocket to savor later, he took the other pair and rubbed them up against his pulsing erection. He slid down the zipper of his jeans and considered how it would feel when he finally slid into her. His dick throbbed and pulsed, heavy with need for her. It didn’t take long for him to reach completion, emptying into the folds of her panties.

Soon. He’d have her soon. He just had to be patient. As he zipped back up, he began plotting. First, the neighbor would have to be taken care of, once and for all.

Chapter 26

Chris opened the truck door for Julie. She’d been quiet most of the day, withdrawn. They hadn’t had anything going on for the afternoon. She’d sent him home around lunchtime, telling him it was ridiculous for him to hover over her just to

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