Operation Endurance - By Christi Snow Page 0,35

cell phone.

“Honestly, Brian, I just thought I caught my side somehow on the door jamb as we left the building. I never would have guessed someone knifed me. I looked around after it happened, but didn’t see anything odder than what was already going on with the fire evacuation. By the way, what was that? Did they have a kitchen fire?”

Brian shook his head. “No, and that’s what has me so concerned. There was absolutely no reason for that alarm to go off and you were the only one to get hurt. The medical personnel assure me that what you have on your side is a knife wound, not a tear, so someone set out on purpose to hurt you. I might think that it was random except someone shot at you on your doorstep the other night, too.”

“Shh, don’t say that so loud. With the wedding this weekend, I don’t want anyone to know about it.” Luckily Cassie hadn’t heard any of this conversation and still thought he’d somehow hurt himself exiting the building.

“What is it with you and your group of friends? Honestly, you seem like you’re really nice, but for some reason, other people keep trying to kill you all.”

Chris gaped at Brian. Was that what this was? Seriously? Someone was trying to kill him or were they just giving him a warning of some sort? The note had said to stay away from her. Who were they referring to? He honestly had no idea.

He’d just come back from Julie’s when he’d been shot at, but he’d only been over there for five minutes. It had to be something else.

Tonight he’d been with Cassie. She’d been the focus of a stalker before because of her fame from the video game she consulted on, but if she was the focus then wouldn’t they go after Jake? As her twin, no one should see him as a threat.

Feeling more than a little stunned, Chris regarded Brian. “I honestly have no idea. As far as I know, I haven’t pissed anyone off lately. Even Colton likes me right now.”

Brian gave a hollow chuckle. He’d spent enough time with them all to know about Chris and Colton’s off and on contention. “Well, I don’t know. We don’t have much to go on. I’m still waiting on the ballistic results from the bullet we pulled out of your wall, but the odds of that leading us to a suspect are slim. Someone seems to have you in their sites. Stay vigilant, let me know if you see anything suspicious, and I know you don’t want to hear this, but you really should let your group of friends know what’s going on. This could affect their safety too.”

“I’ll consider it. Thanks, Brian.” Three more days until the wedding. He didn’t want to freak anyone out that there might be danger lurking around them again. Especially since he didn’t know how serious this was. Didn’t Jake and Cassie deserve a little bit of worry free happiness here?

Chapter 15

Things were tense for Chris the rest of the week. He kept waiting for the other shoe to drop, but nothing else happened. Then there was Julie. She was not happy with him. The girl really didn’t like for someone to mess with her process, but between the two of them, they’d gotten everything done. He was pretty sure he hadn’t even messed any of it up. She appeared to be feeling a little bit better, although her hacking cough persisted, so he could handle a little anger on her part.

Tonight was the night before the wedding. The wedding was planned to be small and intimate and everyone was comfortable with their part in it. As a result, they weren’t having a rehearsal or traditional dinner. Julie wanted the final details about the venue to be a surprise for Cassie and Jake when the wedding began tomorrow.

Instead, for tonight, everyone was headed out to their respective bachelor and bachelorette parties. The plan was that the two groups would converge later because both Jake and Colton were whipped and didn’t know how to go a night without seeing their future brides. It was enough to make a single guy sick. At least that would be the case if he wasn’t planning to use the time tonight to make up with Julie. He really didn’t like this wall that had come between them this week. He didn’t like having her mad at him. They had too much history for

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