Operation Endurance - By Christi Snow Page 0,31

pace level because he could feel Mick’s gaze boring into his back.

The flight did end up cancelled. They’d had to order in parts for the broken part on the De Havilland so, for now, they were temporarily grounded. Their other plane was at the service center getting repainted in their red, white, and black paint scheme to match the Mad Rob branding.

Chris managed to stay busy in the office for the rest of the day and was on his way out the door for home when Mick cornered him. The old man’s eyes were kind and understanding as he pressed a business card into Chris’s hand. “These guys understand. It would help to exorcise some of those demons hounding you if you talked about it with others who get it. The shrinks are good, but they can’t do it all. Talking to these guys would help.”

Chris glanced down at the card. It simply said, PTSD SUPPORT, with a listing of places, days, and times. Chris wasn’t so sure about sitting in a circle talking about his feelings. That just sounded like another form of torture for him.

Mick could obviously see the doubt on his face. “Give it a try. Go to one meeting and see if it does anything for you. It certainly can’t hurt and it could actually help.”

Chris gave a sharp nod. “Thanks, I’ll consider it.” He slid the card into his wallet and tried to ignore the roiling in his gut that came with thinking about anything to do with his captivity. He never wanted to go to that place in his mind ever again. Unfortunately, his subconscious wasn’t listening to that demand as it took him there every night through his dreams.

* * *

Chris was coming in from taking the trash out to the dumpster when he ran into a pitiful looking Julie with a wad of tissues stuffed against her face. It was a mild evening, but she wore a heavy sweater, was hauling around several binders, and looked like she’d been crying.

He immediately snagged the books out of her arms and took her keys from her to open her door. “Hey, what’s wrong? Have you been crying?”

She gave him a tired smile as she followed him into the house. “No, I just have this damn cold and my medicine ran out about forty-five minutes ago.”

He examined her as she dropped her purse on the table and heaved a deep breath through her mouth. Her nose was red and the dark circles under her eyes had become even more pronounced now that her complexion was so pale.

“Should you be working when you’re sick like this? Isn’t there some sort of hospital policy against spreading germs like that?”

She rolled her eyes at him. “It’s just a little cold. I’m fine. She walked over and snagged a glass out of the cabinet. She filled her glass with water and held up the package of cold medicine. “This will take effect in a few minutes and then I’ll be almost as good as new.”

He lifted a skeptical eyebrow at her.

“Besides, the wedding is in three days.” She motioned over to the binders he’d set on the table. “I don’t have time to be sick right now.”

“Okay, now that’s just stupid. You’re sick. Some of this,” he waved his hand over the mammoth pile of books, “can wait.” He ignored the dirty look she’d been giving him the moment he began talking.

“Did you just call me stupid?” She put her hands on her hips and glared, her hazel eyes shooting sparks, but that just made him notice how bloodshot they were.

“You need to go to bed. I’ll order some food while you get out of your scrubs and into some warm pj’s.” He waved a negligent hand at her body.

“Chris, I have things to do.” He could hear the exasperation in her voice, but he planned to ignore it. “Just because you live next door doesn’t mean you’re allowed to come in here and run my life. I was doing just fine all by myself before and I can continue to do so now. Go home.” She crossed the room and opened the front door for him.

“Not unless you promise me you’ll go to bed. You’re getting sick because you’re exhausted.” By the mulish set of her face, she wasn’t going to give in, but he could be stubborn too. “I’ll leave you alone, but I’m taking these with me.” He scooped the binders, including Cassie’s wedding binder, off

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