Operation Endurance - By Christi Snow Page 0,16

blanched. “No, thank God for small favors. It’s just me and Sam, my chocolate lab.”

“Oh, I love dogs. You’ll have to bring him by sometime so I can meet him. What do you do? I’m assuming you have a day job.”

Again, Toni started with that self-deprecating chuckle. “Actually, right now, I don’t. I’m living off my ever dwindling savings account. Until a couple of weeks ago, I ran the office for a law firm, but the owner didn’t take too kindly when I decked his grabby son. This was the same grabby son who works at the firm and was sexually harassing me. So now, I’m out of a job and looking for a new one. I never realized before how small the Lubbock business community truly is. The lawyer is making a lot of noise and blackballing me anywhere I might have an actual chance to get a job.”

“That’s awful. Isn’t there anything you could do? I don’t know, sue or something for wrongful dismissal?”

Toni was already shaking her head. “They’re lawyers. I don’t stand a chance against them. Honestly, it’s easier just to let it go. Although, I may just have to move somewhere else if I want to work.” She looked forlornly around the red, black, and white tiled coffee shop filled with university coeds studying. “I just really love the feel and attitude of this town. It’s always felt right to me. I don’t want to move.”

“I’m sorry. That really sucks. I’ll keep my ears out for open jobs. You ran a law office so maybe I’ll hear something about a doctor needing someone to run his reception area.”

“That would be great. Thanks, Julie. In the meantime,” she got a mischievous glint in her eye, “what can you tell me about the hot cops?”

Julie laughed. “I wondered how long it would take you to work up to that. Which one do you want to know about?”

Toni sighed longingly. “Any of them. My sex life is almost as pathetic as my work life and all three of them are gorgeous.”

“Too true. They are very pretty, aren’t they? And honestly, they’re really nice guys. I mean really, they volunteer their time to do these classes when they could be out or at home watching a game. How can you not love that about a guy? They truly want to help women so they’re able to protect themselves. And they wear a gun every day during the daytime. Have you ever seen any of them in uniform?”

Toni shook her head.

Julie fanned herself with her hand. “They’re hot. All three of them. Seriously, there is just something about that uniform. Yummy.”

“Hmm…” A dreamy smiled crossed Toni’s face. “I can just imagine.”

“But I have to say, I think Pete likes you.”

“No way.” Toni immediately perked up, her back straightening. “Has he said something?”

“Well, I’m not really at liberty to say, but I’m thinking he wouldn’t turn you down if you wanted to ask him out.”

“Me?” Toni’s voice squeaked and her eyes widened. “You think I should ask him out?”

“Yes! Absolutely. Oh come on. Don’t give me that shrinking violet act. I’ve seen you in action. You don’t have a shy bone in your body.”

“No, I’m not shy, but I don’t normally ask the guy out. Usually he does the asking. What would I even ask him to go do?”

“I don’t know. He’s a normal outdoorsy kind of guy. He likes sports and does about every outdoor activity under the sun. He makes a mean grilled steak and believe it or not has a thing for the symphony.”

“Symphony?” Toni wrinkled her nose.

“Okay, I’m just making suggestions. This time of the year is about the best there is in West Texas. You could take him and Sam out for a picnic at Buffalo Springs Lake.”

“Hey, that might work and Sam would love it. And with it being a picnic, I could get away with picking up fast food fried chicken and wouldn’t have to cook it myself.”

“You don’t cook?”

“No, I hate cooking. I’d eat out every night of the week if I could.”

“Well, I love to cook and always make way too much for one. You should come over for dinner one night.” This was just the type of thing Julie needed. She could plan a meal and focus her energy on someone else.

“You’re going to feed me real food? I’m there. Just tell me when and where.”

Julie pulled out her calendar. “How about Sunday night? I can try out one of my

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