Operation Endurance - By Christi Snow Page 0,100

He was way too worried about you to just be a friend. Have you told him?”

“Yeah, and he’s handled it really well all things considered. You could say we’re dating.” That seemed so odd, but in an incredible wonderful way to be able to finally say that.

“That’s great, Jules, but he’s a guy who’s had his own trauma. Just don’t forget that. It’s going to be so important for both of you to be open and honest with each other. It could be way too easy to sink into yourselves and think you can handle your own problems. You especially, because I know that’s already an automatic thing for you. You guys can make it work, but you need to stay upfront with each other.”

“Thank you, Dr. Hyatt.”

“Sorry. I can’t help it. I’m trained to see problems before they occur. If there’s anyone who’s earned a smooth and happy relationship, it’s you two. I want that for you.”

Julie smiled to herself. “Believe me, Rachel; we’re ready for that too. No more traumas; no more drama. God, it sounds like pure Nirvana.”

“Ha, listen to you rhyming. It must be love.”

She giggled. “I think it really is, Rachel. He’s incredible, but I’m terrified that something’s going to come along and ruin it all again. Tell me I’m being stupid, because I know I am, but I can’t help it. I’m so scared of losing him again. I don’t think I could live through that.”

“If that happens, you’ll survive it, because you’re strong, but I think you two are going to be okay. I have a really good feeling about this.”

“Thanks, Rach. I love you and I’m so sorry that I’ve been so awful this last year.”

“Stop, you’ve been fine. You’ve just been hurting and even with that, you’ve been fine. Honestly, Julie, you have enough to worry about. This is not even a blip. Don’t worry. You and I are sisters. That means you’re stuck with me, no matter what.”

“Thank God for that. I love you, Rach.”

“I love you, too, Peanut.”

Chapter 39

Thursday morning, Chris and Colton pulled into the parking lot at Mad Rob at the same time. While Chris waited for Colton to get off his motorcycle, he spotted a man he immediately recognized walking across the parking lot to them. Chris glanced around, but the man was the only one who appeared to be there.

“Be ready,” he murmured stepping closer to Colton. “This guy was the head honcho of the group that attacked me last week.”

Colton glanced up sharply and immediately tensed, but the man approached them with his hands out and palms up to show he wasn’t a threat. He stopped ten feet away from them. “I’m not here to cause any problems with you. I’m here to give you information.”

Chris exchanged a puzzled look with Colton before turning back to the guy. “Why would you want to give me information now?”

“Because the man who wanted you dead has taken my sister as retaliation for you living.” The guy’s eyes hardened and his jaw clenched as he looked off in the distance working through his anger. He looked back to them when he appeared to have himself under control again. “Now I want him dead, but I can’t go after him without risking my boys and their livelihood.”

“Why should I trust anything you say? And if I can trust it, what do you want from me in exchange for this information?”

“Don’t press charges against me. I got nothing against you personally, but this guy didn’t give me a choice.”

Chris gave a subtle nod. “Deal.”

Colton clenched his jaw, obviously not agreeing with the guy’s terms, but he didn’t say anything. He just remained at the ready by Chris’s side.

“You’re an upstanding citizen. I want you to report this to someone you can trust in the fucking LPD. I want this cop to pay for what he’s done.”

Every muscle froze. “Did you say cop?”

“Yeah, now you see my issue. I can’t go after Larson without having the entire fucking police department on my ass. It wouldn’t be any big deal if it was just me. Watching that fucker bleed out after I stabbed him would be worth prison, but I can’t leave my boys. They need me here to prevent a turf war.”

Chris didn’t care about the gang issues. He needed to get the guy back to the dirty cop. “You said Larson. Are you talking about Pete Larson? He’s the guy who ordered you to attack me?” A sudden icy

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