Open Your Heart (Kings Grove #4) - Delancey Stewart Page 0,26

turned and was gone. I stood for a second in the open doorway, but when the eerie howling sound rose again from the woods beyond, I stepped inside quickly and bolted the door.

As distracting as things here had become, I needed to keep my eye on the ball, and that was my future in Austin.

I settled into the couch and called Theo, Chelle’s cousin.

“Hey Harper,” his warm voice rolled over the distance. “How’s it going?” Theo was a nice enough, business-minded guy I’d met when he’d come to New York to visit his cousin a couple times. We had a lot in common, both working in event management. He focused on concerts and weddings, and we’d had plenty to talk about since my company had been doing very similar things. When my job had exploded, I’d called him hoping maybe his company might have a job, but that was when he confided that he was thinking of starting his own thing and invited me to take part. The stopping point, of course, was my financial situation. I didn’t have the funds to contribute. Yet. But Theo said he’d wait, and that was what I needed to focus on.

“Things are going well,” I said. “I’m looking forward to getting on to the next phase, though, heading down your way.”

“I’m looking forward to that, too. I’ve turned down a couple gigs already that would have been perfect for us,” he said. “Any way you can make this all happen sooner?”

I sighed. “I want to. I promised my dad six months though—and I’ll need the time to pull the money together for us anyway.”

“I might need your experience more than I need your money.”

A little bubble of excitement gurgled to life in my stomach. “Really?”

“I’ve got to check a few things, but I know there’s another job coming my way, and I have a feeling they’d be happier working with you and me. Might be a good chance to cut loose early.”

My mind was spinning. “I don’t know if I can make it happen any earlier.” I felt committed to Maddie’s wedding, and wouldn’t want to let Mike down. And then there was my dad.

“Nothing’s for sure. Let me work on a few things and I’ll be in touch. But think about it.”

“I will. Thanks, Theo.”

“Talk soon, Harp.”

I hung up, torn between excitement at the thought of starting my new life earlier than planned, and worry over the idea of cutting things short here. And for some reason, I was thinking about Cam.

But he wasn’t a reason to stay.

Chapter 7


Maddie was standing on the wide open deck behind the Inn’s secondary space like she was the construction manager, wandering around the job site, asking questions of the crew when I arrived.

“ . . . And so you think the walls will be functional by August?” She was standing at the edge of the deck, looking up at one of the guys, smiling broadly.

“Maddie, you keep distracting these guys and this place will definitely not be ready for the wedding you’re so worried about.” I swung my gaze down to the assistant crew manager, trying to look stern. “Don’t let her up here. If she got hurt wandering around the construction site, we’d have a world of trouble.”

Maddie shot me a dirty look, her brows dropping down low, and then turned back to the guy trying to get his work done, hammer still paused mid-air. “Thanks,” she said to him sweetly before turning around again and glaring at me. “I’m not going to sue you,” she said. “I’m just getting worried. Connor won’t do a damned thing to get ready at home, and the venue looks like it’s destined to be half finished, too. I’ve had enough of half-built houses and half-finished life plans, Cam. I want to get married and move everything forward.”

I swallowed hard, wishing I could muster up the appropriate amount of optimism that this place would be ready. But there’d been a few setbacks, and it was hard to make promises I didn’t know if I could keep. “It’ll be done, Mads, and if it’s not, there’s always the ballroom at the inn.”

She scowled at me, reminding me of the way she’d looked as a disappointed four-year old.

“And you don’t need a certificate to move forward with Connor. His love for you is completely clear every time I see you guys.”

Maddie’s face softened as if I’d said something about myself—about Jess, maybe—instead of Connor. Maddie worried too much about me Copyright 2016 - 2024