Only Her Smokejumper Firefighter - Cami Checketts Page 0,21

on a merciful Lord too many times.

Before the man reached the truck, he suddenly set her on her feet and then shoved her into the snowbank. Mavyn flopped into the deep snow, stunned. Had her prayer been answered? Was the man going to leave her here? She’d prefer dying to being heated up by him.

A door slammed and her gaze darted to where she could see, from her low position, booted feet approaching on the other side of the man’s truck. She hadn’t even heard another vehicle approach because of the loud roar of the man’s diesel engine.

“Chadwick,” her attacker growled. “What do you want?”


Ren appeared around the side of the truck. Mavyn felt hot tears slide out of her eyes, burning down her cold cheeks. He was here! Joy rushed through her. She wouldn’t have believed it if she hadn’t seen it with her own eyes. In that incredible instant, all her doubts and fears dumped deep into the snowbank. The Lord above did care about her stained soul. Against all probability, he’d sent Ren to rescue her.

Ren looked tough, ultra-appealing, and royally ticked off. “You leave Mavyn alone,” he growled. “She’s mine.”

“I’ll thrash you, Christian boy, then I’ll take her home and take real good care of her,” the man said.

Ren let out a roar and rushed the man. He knocked him off his feet and slammed him into the pavement. The guy hollered in agony but the hit, unfortunately, didn’t take him out. He was so big and rough looking that he might best Ren in a fight. She prayed harder for Ren to win and be able to protect her. The men traded hit for hit, rolling around on the icy pavement like pro wrestlers. No, this fight looked more like ultimate fighters who were going for the kill.

Mavyn pushed her way out of the snowbank and struggled to her feet. She wanted to help, but she was so cold she could barely move.

Ren pinned the guy underneath him and slammed his fist repeatedly into his face. The man bucked him off and Ren’s head hit the asphalt. Mavyn cried out in horror.

Ren glanced at her. “It’s okay,” he said.

“No, it’s not, you Bible thumper,” the man hollered. “I’m going to have so much fun with your little lady she’ll never crawl back to you.”

Ren let out a guttural roar and drove the man onto his back. He drilled his fists into the man’s face over and over again. Finally, the man squealed like a stuffed pig and cried, “Stop!”

Ren immediately stopped, glaring down at him. “You had enough?”

“For today,” he growled back.

“Sheriff Greenwood is going to come visit you,” Ren said in a low, threatening voice.

“You got nothing on me, choir boy. I didn’t even have my fun with her. You’ve always thought you were better than all of us.”

“You attacked the wrong lady this time, Jamie-boy. Are you ready to shut that mouth or do you want me to shut it for you?” Ren raised a fist.

“No!” The man covered his face.

Ren lowered his fist, stood, and quickly strode to Mavyn, leaving Jamie lying on the asphalt. Her rescuer looked incredible and strong and warm. Mavyn had almost forgotten how cold she was as she watched the awful fight.

Ren reached her and quickly pulled her into his arms. “Ah, Mave,” he said softly. “Are you okay?”

“I am now.”

He kissed her forehead softly. It was incredible how tender this tough man could be with her when he’d just pummeled that huge, disgusting bully. She leaned against him, too stiff to even wrap her arms around his neck and kiss him properly. He’d come for her. Was it divine intervention like he kept telling her or just luck? At this moment she could easily believe it was the former. She’d prayed desperately and Ren had come.

He swept her off her feet and cradled her against his chest. He carried her past Jamie who was still lying on the asphalt with blood dripping from his lip and his nose. The man kept his mouth shut as Ren had instructed, but he glared up at them as if they were the ones who’d attacked him.

Ren loaded her into the passenger side of his truck, where burning hot air blasted at her face. He yanked off his sweatshirt and tucked it over her legs and hands. His sweatshirt felt a lot better than the heater.

“We’ll get you home and warm quick. Hold on for me, love.” His face showed Copyright 2016 - 2024