One Week Girlfriend - By Monica Murphy Page 0,67

were lying." The words rush out and I squeeze my eyes closed, waiting - and dreading - her answer.

She's quiet for a moment. I can hear soft music playing in the background, like she's at a restaurant or something. I wonder if she's with my dad. I hope like hell she excused herself so he doesn't hear what she's saying. "I wasn't lying. She belonged to you."

I blow out a harsh breath, my lungs feeling like they're folding in on themselves, they're so tight. "How do you know?"

"God, Andrew, it's the same old story, you know? Your father and I...we tried for years to have a child, but with no success. The idea came to me one day that you might be the perfect candidate. The next best thing, so to speak, and you were. I planned my visits to you according to my cycle, poked a few holes in the condom and it was a near-instant success." Her voice is hushed, but she sounds so damn logical about it, I want to scream.

Bile rises in my throat and I swallow it down. I was fucking sixteen years old when I got this bitch pregnant. Only sixteen. "So you tricked me. And my father. You've played us both. I hope you're proud of yourself."

"I was never playing either of you, you must believe that. I love your father tremendously. And I...I love you too, Andrew. Can't a woman be in love with two men? There are so many qualities to the both of you that are similar yet different. I wanted you both." Her voice is small. That she even talks about me like she...she wanted me when I was just a kid, makes me sick.

"Well, you had us both. I hope you're satisfied," I snarl into the phone, ready to hang up but I hear her say my name, her voice downright frantic. I decide to hear her out. I don't know why. "What?"

"You're're not going to tell your dad, are you? What I said?"

The knowledge would devastate him. Even if it can't be confirmed, what with Vanessa gone, I'm not about to blab. Why would I want to hurt him? It would damage our relationship irrevocably and right now, he's the only family I have that counts. This secret, I plan on carrying to the grave. "I won't tell him. Not to save your ass, but to save his."

She exhales loudly, her voice shaky. "Thank you, Andrew."

"Don't bother thanking me. I'm not doing this for you."

"Of course not." She pauses. "What about your - girlfriend? She knows, since I said it in front of her. What if she tells?"

"She won't," I say automatically because I know it's the truth. I trust Fable. She wouldn't dare tell a soul.

"You haven't dated very long. What if you two split up and she becomes vengeful, deciding to ruin both our lives? We might never recover if the truth is revealed." Adele sounds so full of drama, I almost wonder if she gets off on it.

"There's no way in hell Fable will spill this. Stop worrying." And with that, I hang up. I don't want to talk to her anymore. I don't want to talk, period.

Instead, I sit in my truck a little while longer, thinking. The cab gets muggy, the windows steam up from my breathing and the rain is coming down harder. I don't want to go into my apartment and spend the night there alone. My thoughts are too jumbled, too focused on what Adele said.

I wish she never told me the supposed truth about Vanessa. It would've been so much easier to go through life oblivious to that fact.

But she shared in her misery and for that, I'm forever locked to her yet again. Just when I think I'm free of Adele's shackles, she pulls me back in, locks me up.

And tosses away the key.
Chapter Fourteen
One Week's Up, Midnight

I choose you. - Drew Callahan


I can't sleep. I'm too restless, too worried, too...everything. My mom left hours ago after I encouraged her to call her new loser boyfriend to make up with him. He came by within fifteen minutes of her ending the call and they took off to their favorite hangout: a shitty bar the local drunks love.

That I work at a bar doesn't go unnoticed by me. I do realize I'm following in her footsteps no matter how hard I try not to. Makes me wonder if we're predestined to end up like our Copyright 2016 - 2024