One Week Girlfriend - By Monica Murphy Page 0,44

on the very tip of me, over and over again.

I'm going to explode. Quick. I reach for her, cupping her head with my hands as I kiss her gently. Reverently.

I don't want this moment to end. And I don't to let her in close. She's already so deep in with me, I'm afraid if she knew what I keep hidden inside, I wouldn't be what she wanted. That I wouldn't be the man she's looking for.

"I want this," I tell her when I finally break the kiss. Her hand has dropped away from my erection but I still feel her. Want her. Need her to take me to the next level, where I can completely forget, if only for a little while. "I want this with you, Fable."

I say her name to ground me. To remind me this is happening with Fable. The girl who's become my life source in a laughingly short amount of time. The girl I'm falling for.


Drew is so huge and hard he must be in pain. That's part of the reason I touched him. I couldn't resist. Well, that and I had to know what would happen if I did. Would he push me away this time? I want to bring him pleasure because his joy is slowly becoming mine and if I can help him push out of whatever horrible thing sex makes him feel, then it's worth it.

I wish the lights were on though, so I can see him, but I have a feeling he's not ready for that yet.

I ache so much between my legs I feel like I could almost die from wanting him. I wish I could take him inside me but...I don't want to push. That I'm the aggressor here is sort of blowing me away but he has awful secrets I hope I can coax out of him someday, no matter how much the idea terrifies me.

And the idea really, really terrifies me.

Drew whispers my name and I kiss him. Stroke him, grip him harder, move my hand faster. If I only give him a hand job tonight, then so be it. I sort of like the idea of us doing something so...juvenile. We're two adults, naked in a bed all alone in a giant house and we could fuck each other wherever we want. He could have me in every single room in this house, out on the deck, wherever, and I'd let him, I want him that badly.

Yet here we are like we're in the backseat of a car parked in the back of the lot at the movie theater, trying to get each other off before our midnight curfew.

A low groan escapes him and he stiffens, his entire body tense for that one hanging moment before he completely falls apart. He's coming, all over my fingers as I keep my hand on him, his body convulsing, his hips jerking. A potent wave of satisfaction washes over me and I lean up and kiss him, tangle our tongues together, smiling when he breaks the kiss to release a shuddery little moan.

Pulling away from him, I climb out of bed without a word and head for the bathroom across the hall. I flick on the lights, my image in the mirror startling me and I stop and stare for a moment.

My eyes sparkle, my cheeks are flushed and my lips are swollen from his crushing kisses. My entire body is covered in a rosy blush and my nipples are hard.

I wish Drew could see me. That we didn't have to be so covered in darkness. Does the darkness make it easier for him?

Pushing the gloomy thoughts from my head, I wash my hands, turn off the faucet and try my damnedest to smooth out my hair. It's a tangled mess, wild waves all around my face and I blame the rain.

I also blame the man who buried his hands in my hair so he could hold me still and kiss me senseless.

He's still lying where I left him. I catch his silhouette when I slip into the bedroom, though at least his breathing has evened out. I go to him, crawling on top of the bed, where I kneel beside him.

"Fable..." he starts but I shush him, leaning over his face so I can place a finger to his lips.

"Don't say a word. You might ruin it," I murmur and I feel his faint smile against my finger.

Satisfied he's not going to say something that'll spoil the Copyright 2016 - 2024