One Week Girlfriend - By Monica Murphy Page 0,21

front of me, rests his big hands on my waist. His touch burns through the fabric of the dress, I can feel his every finger press into my flesh and my heart starts to race. "You look beautiful, Fable."

"I - I like it too." I sound breathless and I want to kick myself. Guys don't make me breathless. They don't make my heart race either.

But somehow this one does.

"Find something that works?" Kaylie is standing just behind Drew, her withering stare directed at me, and I wonder if Drew is putting on this show of touching me for her benefit.

My entire body deflates at the realization and I withdraw from his hands. "I'm going to change. We should probably get going. And I still need to find shoes."

"What's the occasion?" Kaylie sounds all perky and sweet but there's a hint of venom just beneath the surface. This girl looks like she'd love to sink her claws into Drew.

And then scratch my eyes out with them.

"My dad's dragging us to the dinner tonight at Pebble Beach," Drew tells her.

"Oh, I'll be there too. We'll have to hook up." She giggles and I sneak back into the dressing room, slamming the door with enough force to rattle the walls.

Hook up. Nice choice of words. If she doesn't watch it, I'm going to send a right hook straight into her too perfect nose.
Chapter Six
Day 2, 6:17 p.m.

Remember that great love and great achievements involve great risk. - Dalai Lama


"My dad is blowing up my phone," Drew calls from the living room. "Are you ready yet? They're threatening to leave without us if we're not ready to go by six thirty."

Holy crap. My hands are shaking as I finish putting on mascara and I'm afraid I'll stab my eye out. Drew's constant reminders that his parents are waiting don't help. I have never been so nervous about how I look in all my life. Not even when I attended my junior and senior proms and spent hours getting ready. Saving all my money to buy the cheap dress from JC Penney, thinking I looked all hot when I probably looked like a little girl playing dress up.

Now here I stand in a dress, shoes and miscellaneous accessories that almost cost one thousand dollars. Drew didn't protest when Kaylie rattled off the total after she rang us up. Merely handed over his credit card without a word, though she was quick to give me a shitty little look at the end of the transaction.

I really hope that witch isn't there at this country club thing tonight. It's going to be miserable enough without her adding to it.

"Fable." Drew raps on the bathroom door so hard it swings open and thank God I'm not standing there naked, though he knows I'm not, so I'm freaking out over nothing. He's standing in the doorway, looking outrageously gorgeous in black pants and a silvery gray button down shirt and black tie. My mouth dries up as I stare at him in the reflection of the mirror and he returns the same stare. His eyes are wide, drinking me in, sliding down the length of my body and I feel his gaze as if he's actually touching me. "Uh, are you ready?" he asks, his voice husky.

"Give me two more minutes." I yank my gaze away from his and dig through my makeup bag, pulling out a pale pink lip gloss. I open it and slick it on, rubbing my lips together as I assess myself in the mirror.

I wore my hair up to show off the back of the dress, a few little wisps hanging around my face. I gave myself dark, smoky eyes, rosy cheeks and pale lips, going for an understated look. The dress is perfection, I can't believe how I look in it, and the shoes I'm wearing are daringly high. So high, I probably hit at about Drew's shoulder. Hopefully I won't fall on my butt when I walk.

The sparkly earrings and matching chunky rhinestone bracelet complete the outfit. I almost feel overdressed, but Drew's not complaining so neither am I. I'm still worried about his opinion though, and I focus on zipping my makeup bag closed. Hopefully he thinks I look good. I think he looks gorgeous, but when does he not? The guy could wear a paper bag around his privates and make it look designer.

I called Owen's friend's mom earlier and she reassured me Owen was there with them Copyright 2016 - 2024