One Week Girlfriend - By Monica Murphy Page 0,2

the striking blue eyes.

But I'm not most girls. I don't fall for a bunch of crap. "I'm not going anywhere with you to talk. If you have something to say, you can do it right here. Be quick with it too, because I need to go home." I'm pretty sure my mom isn't there and my little brother is all alone.

Not good.

He blows out a harsh breath, sounding all irritated. I don't care. Whatever he has to say can't be something I'd consider. I'm too curious though, so I need to know. Just so I can savor it later.

Drew Callahan does not talk to girls like me. I'm a local. A townie. He's the quarterback of our winning university football team. He's like a superstar, larger than life, with fans and everything. He has NFL aspirations for the love of God.

I work a shitty job and can barely make ends meet. My mom is an alcoholic who sleeps around and my little brother is starting to get into trouble at school. Our worlds are such total opposites I don't have a clue why he would want to talk to me.

"Thanksgiving break is next week," he starts out and I roll my eyes.

Duh. I'm extra thankful for it too. Means everyone will vacate this town and the bar will be virtually empty, making work a breeze. "Go on."

"I have to go back home." He pauses, his gaze cutting away from mine and uneasiness slips down my spine. I have no idea what this has to do with me. "I want you to go with me."

Okay. That I didn't expect. "What? Why?"

His gaze meets mine once more. "I want you to pretend to be my girlfriend for a week."

I gape at him. I feel like a dying fish. Closing my lips, opening them. As if I'm gasping for my last breath, which I sorta feel like I'm doing. "You're kidding."

He slowly shakes his head. "I'm not."

"Why me?"

"I..." He shakes his head and clamps his lips shut, as if he doesn't want to tell me. "I'll pay you."

I cross my arms in front of my chest. They're elevated from the stupid puffy jacket. I hate it so much but it's the warmest coat I own. I bet I look like a blimp. "I'm not for sale."

"Listen, I don't want to pay you for anything - sexual." His voice drops an octave and chills scatter all over my skin. The way he said that was sexy, though he didn't mean to be. "I just need you to pretend to be my girlfriend. We won't have to share a room or anything like that. I'm not going to try and get in your pants, but we'll have to look like we're together, you know what I mean?"

No answer. I want him to continue this so I can remember later how I had Drew freaking Callahan begging me to be his pretend girlfriend. The moment couldn't get any more surreal than it already is.

"I know you have a life and a job and whatever else that you do. It'll probably be hard for you to ditch everything and go away with me for a week, but I swear, I'll make it worth your time."

He makes me feel cheap with that last remark. Like I'm the whore every guy brags that I am. The exaggerations are out there. The stories so outrageous, I don't bother denying them. There's no point. "How much are you talking?"

His gaze locks with mine and I'm trapped. Anticipation curls through me as I wait for his answer.

"Three thousand dollars."
Chapter Two
T-Minus 2 days and counting...

For once, I want to know what it feels like to be someone's first choice. - Fable Maguire


I still can't believe I agreed to do this. Three thousand dollars is way too much money to let pass by. And Drew knows it. He had me the moment that staggering number dropped from his perfect lips. Despite my wariness and worry over how the heck I'm going to leave town for a week and not have my world completely fall apart while I'm gone, I said yes without any hesitation.

Guess I'm just too greedy. I can't let that sort of opportunity go and that makes me feel like crap. Despite how much I tell myself I'm doing it for my family. For my brother, Owen. He's only thirteen and I hate to see how much of a troublemaker he's turning into. He's sweet, he has a good heart Copyright 2016 - 2024