One Tiny Lie – Jennifer Youngblood Page 0,55

He wants to make you feel like you’re nothing so he can keep control over you. Felipe is a small man. He thrives on domination.” She gritted her teeth. “You’re better than this, Isabela. Your grandmother knows it, and so do I. But it doesn’t matter what we believe. What matters is what you believe. You don’t have to go back to Felipe. You’re strong enough to stand on your own.”

A short laugh sounded in Isabela’s throat. “No offense, but that’s easy for you to say. You live in a mansion … have had everything handed to you on a silver platter.”

Luna chuckled. “Yeah, it would seem that way, wouldn’t it?” She looked Isabela in the eye. “Let me tell you a story of a girl who was very much like you. She had big dreams and many talents, but she grew up with a mother who’d been hurt—so hurt that she shut herself and her daughter away in this imaginary fortress where they could never let anyone else in. The daughter desperately wanted to break out of her shell, but she was afraid.”

“Of what?” Isabela asked with wide eyes.

Emotion lodged a thick ball in Luna’s throat. Her words came out raspy. “Afraid of failing, afraid of letting anyone see the real her, afraid that she might actually be a success.” Tears gathered in her eyes. “Afraid to truly open her heart to love and to be loved.”

Understanding registered in Isabela’s dark eyes. “That girl is you.”

“Yes,” Luna admitted softly.

“But how?” Isabela frowned. “I don’t understand.”

Luna placed her hands on Isabela’s shoulders. “That doesn’t matter.” She smiled. “What does matter is what you choose to do from here on out. You can run back to Felipe, beg him to take you back. And, for the rest of your life you’ll feel like the worthless piece of trash he makes you out to be. Or, you can learn to stand on your own. You can face your fears and break out of your shell … become the girl you were meant to be. The choice is yours.”

Isabela looked thoughtful. “Okay,” she said, “I want to stand on my own.” A tentative smile spread over her lips. “Will you still help me learn to sing?”

Laughter rose in Luna’s throat. “Of course.” She embraced Isabela in a tight hug.

“Thank you,” Isabela said.

“No, thank you. For reminding me that some things are worth fighting for.” She took a deep breath. “If you’re going to have a chance of winning the talent show, then we’re going to need a better song than the ones you’ve picked. I have just the thing,” she said as she went to her purse.

The conversation with Margot had left Hudson feeling unsettled. He needed to see Ava. He needed to hold her in his arms, to have her look at him like she’d been doing recently. That was the only way he could truly put his fears to rest. He went to Ava’s house and was disappointed when she wasn’t there. Rosalyn informed him that Ava was helping Isabela learn a song for her school talent show.

When Hudson heard that, he couldn’t help but be impressed. That night by the pool, he and Ava had expressed a desire to somehow help Rosalyn, but Ava had stepped up to the plate and was actually doing something. Hudson asked Rosalyn where they were practicing. Rosalyn said it was at her house. She gave Hudson the address. He’d gone to the house, but Ava’s car wasn’t there, and no one was home. He tried calling Ava, but she didn’t answer. He’d just left Rosalyn’s home and was driving by a high school when he spotted Ava’s car.

He turned into the parking lot and tried calling Ava again. It went to her voicemail. It couldn’t hurt to go inside, see if he could find her. Hudson couldn’t remember when public school started back, but he guessed it wouldn’t be until the end of the month or the first of September. He stepped into the office, grateful someone was there. The older lady behind the desk looked up at him, her glasses perched on her nose.

“May I help you?” she asked briskly.

He cleared his throat. “I’m looking for my girlfriend. She’s helping one of the students get ready for a talent show.”

The woman pursed her lips. “Yes, I saw them walk by earlier. They’re probably in the band room or the auditorium.”

“Can you tell me where those are?”


“Thanks,” he said as he left the office. Copyright 2016 - 2024