One Tiny Lie – Jennifer Youngblood Page 0,44

of the room.

Luna’s breath caught when they stepped out onto the back patio and she saw the glorious transformation. A string quartet was playing lively music. The fragrant scent of gardenias—Beverly’s favorite flower—floated gently on the evening breeze. A pang went through Luna. Her adopted mother had loved gardenias. Luna wondered what her mother would think if she could see her now. She’d probably think Luna was out of her mind for wanting a high-profile life with so much fanfare. She snapped back to the present. The male servers wore black tuxedos with crisp white shirts and bowties. The female servers had on stylish black dresses with white collars. Fifty or more guests had already arrived and were mingled in groups, sipping wine from long, sleek glasses. Luna searched the guests, looking for Hudson.

“I’m sure he’ll be here soon,” Beverly said, as if reading her mind. She pasted on a queenly smile as she nodded and spoke to people.

“Hello,” a woman said warmly as she stepped up to Beverly and Luna. Around Beverly’s same age, she was tall and reed skinny with a tower of jet-black hair. Her royal blue dress had a plunging neckline, letting everyone know she’d had a boob job. She was holding a glass of white wine.

“Maggie, it’s so wonderful to see you,” Beverly said as the two air-kissed.

“Hello, Ava,” Maggie said, her austere gaze moving over Luna from top to bottom. “You’re looking well.”

“Thanks,” Luna mumbled, even though the statement clearly wasn’t a compliment. Why was the woman acting so hostile?

Maggie made a point of glancing around the area. “This is absolutely gorgeous.”

“Thank you,” Beverly said graciously.

Maggie leaned in and lowered her voice. “It must’ve cost a fortune to put this on. Are you sure you can afford it?”

Color rose in Beverly’s face. “I’m not sure what you mean,” she responded, as she pressed on a tight smile.

The hair on the back of Luna’s neck rose. She didn’t appreciate this woman trying to humiliate Beverly.

“Margot’s on her way,” Maggie said as she drank the last of her wine.

The dark eyes, exotic facial features. It all snapped together. Maggie was Margot’s mom. Wow, the apple certainly didn’t fall far from the tree.

Later, Luna would question what had made her so bold … maybe walking in Ava’s shoes was starting to wear off on her. She looked Maggie in the eye. “I can imagine that you’re very cost conscious.”

Maggie blinked. “I’m not sure what you mean,” she snipped.

“Well, considering how your vineyard burned last year and that Margot had to get a job to help make ends meet.”

Maggie’s face turned blood red. “You watch yourself,” she growled.

A magnanimous smile spread over Beverly’s lips. “Maggie, will you excuse us? We need to greet the other guests.”

“S—sure,” Maggie stammered as if still reeling from Luna’s comment.

Beverly navigated Luna past Maggie. “I’m sorry,” Luna began. “I know that was rude of me.”

Laughter gurgled in Beverly’s throat. “Are you kidding? That was great. Thank you.” She made a face. “I’m sure Maggie has been sharpening her claws ever since she realized that you and Hudson are getting married.”

Luna rocked back. “Why would Maggie care?”

Beverly lifted her chin. “Because Margot’s been after Hudson for years, that’s why.”

“H—how did you know that?”

“I’ve got eyes.” A grin waffled over her lips. “And a secret weapon—Rosalyn.”

“Rosie’s awesome. She’s been trying to warn me about Margot for years.”

Beverly gave her an appraising look. “I hope you’re starting to listen.”

A smile tugged at Luna’s lips. “I’m a slow learner, but I’m getting the picture.”

“He’s here,” Beverly said, her voice coated with excitement.

Luna took in a sharp breath when she saw Hudson striding towards her. To say he looked good would have been a gross understatement. He was wearing a slate gray, custom fit suit and a deep blue tie. His hair was messy, just like she liked it. There was a spring in his step, and he was sporting a large, brilliant smile.

“Hello.” His gaze flickered over her. She warmed at the appreciation she saw in his eyes. “You look incredible,” he said as he stepped up. One arm encircled her waist as he kissed her lips.

Tingles circled through her. “Hey,” she said softly. Luna felt like a princess.

Hudson turned to Beverly. “Hello.” He kissed her cheek. “You look beautiful.”

“Thank you,” Beverly gushed. A sly smile stole over her lips. “You kids have fun. I’d better go and greet the guests.” With a wink, she sashayed off.

“I’ve been looking forward to this all day,” Hudson said.

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