One Texas Night - By Jodi Thomas Page 0,82

the rooms.

Michael smiled. It looked exactly like what he would imagine her room would look like. She didn’t have the tall windows or the walls of books, but she had a fireplace and comfortable chairs in an alcove, where she could spend quiet mornings. Her colors were in the earthtones of spring.

“I keep both my doors locked whenever I’m in my room and I’ll tap on the bathroom door before entering in case you’re bathing.”

“Fair enough.” He tried to act like he understood. The room she’d called the “bathing room” was almost the size of his uncles’ entire house.

Three maids banged their way into the bathing room, causing Michael to take one step into her quarters. “What’s going on?”

“They’re getting your bath ready. I asked them to lay out extra shaving equipment. By the time you’ve finished, we’ll have a few trouser lengths let out and jackets aired. There should be something waiting on your bed that will fit you.”

“I have my own clothes.” He looked down. His trousers and shirt might have been bought off the shelf at the mercantile, but they were the best he’d ever owned and not more than a week dirty.

“You’re my husband. By marrying me you now own one of the biggest ranches in Texas. I can help run the ranch, but you’ll need to look the part.”

“We need to talk.” He began unbuttoning his shirt. “As soon as I’ve followed your orders and had my bath, I need to know more about this ranch if I’m going to be of any use.”

She smiled, her hands on her hips, her eyes watching his hands as they worked the buttons. “I’ll be waiting in my room with a hot cup of tea and maps of the ranch when you’re ready.” She blushed when she noticed he was watching her watch him.

She closed her door and he wasn’t surprised to hear the lock click. He kicked the other door closed with his boot and stripped off his clothes. She might think he understood her, but he felt like they were barely speaking the same language.

An hour later, he looked in the mirror and almost didn’t recognize himself. His hair was clean and combed back, his clothes probably cost more than he’d ever made in his life all put together, and his boots, though too tight, were fine leather with tooling along the sides. It seemed unbelievable that people kept such clothes around for guests who might need them.

He tapped on her door. After a moment, he heard the lock give and she stood before him in a white blouse and midnight blue riding skirt. If possible, with her hair down and her boots disappearing into her skirt, she looked even more beautiful.

“Come in, sir.” She grinned. “You sure do clean up nice. If I didn’t know better I’d think you were born to wear those clothes.”

He had no idea what to say. He couldn’t think of a compliment for her that wouldn’t make him sound like a fool.

“How does everything fit?” she asked as she moved to the seating area.

“The boots are too small, but someone came in the bathing room and stole my clothes and boots while I was dressing.”

“The maids. They’ll bring them back in a few hours, all cleaned and polished. I’ll order you new boots by mail tomorrow.”

“So, dressing me is part of the bargain.” He didn’t like the idea, but he did like the clothes.

She shrugged. “I guess so. It seems only fair. After all, I’m the one asking you to play a role.”

He almost said, “Any chance undressing you is part of my bargain?” but he feared any boldness might frighten her. Showing affection downstairs was one thing; being bold here in the silence of her room would be quite another.

She took her seat on one side of a small table set with tea and smiled up at him as if they were old friends.

He gambled and brushed the top of her head with his hand.

As before, she stiffened at his touch, but made no comment. He had a feeling they were both thinking of the bargain they’d made. He’d play the part and she’d let him touch her from time to time.

He took his seat, swearing to himself that before he left her she’d at least not jump when he touched her.

She poured him tea, which he didn’t drink as she filled him in on the workings of the ranch. She showed him maps and explained her family history.

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