One Texas Night - By Jodi Thomas Page 0,76

was the most beautiful little thing he’d ever seen, and when he’d touched her neck, he knew he’d never touch anything that soft again. But she had to be nuts if she thought her imaginary husband could have gotten her pregnant.

“Psst,” a sound brought him back from his worrying. “Psst, Mr. Outlaw.”

She was back. The nutty princess in white.

“The priest has gone to get your uncles. I told him how we were in love and of course in a family way. I said you wanted to marry me but you had to have your family present. Father Timothy also agreed not to wake my father.”

Michael stared at her, wondering if he’d ever be able to tell if she was lying or telling the truth.

“The priest agreed to tell whoever is guarding your uncles that they were here for a secret wedding. Once he’s got them in his chambers, he’ll marry us.”

“What about your uncle? He might want to stand in for your father.”

She moved out of the shadows and he saw her shy smile. “I told Father Timothy I was embarrassed because of the pregnancy and our hurried wedding without the blessing of the church. I said I preferred to marry now before as few people as possible. He went along with the idea, assuring me that my uncle only wanted me to do what was right and marrying the man I’ve already bedded would be wise.”

Michael watched her closely. “The truth never crosses your shadow, does it?”

“Not often. My mother used to say life is far more interesting when looked at from a different angle.”

“Well if we do this I’d like your word that you’ll play no games with me. No lies between us from here on out. We’ll be honest with each other for the few days the marriage lasts.”

“Outlaw honor?”

Michael guessed she’d already figured out he wasn’t much of an outlaw. “Outlaw honor.”

“Fair enough. We have a deal then?”

“We have a deal.”

The priest opened the door and whispered, “Miss Cozette, are you ready? I have the three witnesses.”

Michael reached and took her hand. He didn’t miss her slight jerk of panic, before she calmed and let him pull her toward the door. “Come along, dear,” he said, realizing he’d never used the endearment before. “It’s time we married.”

“Yes . . .” she whispered.

“Michael,” he filled in the blank, guessing, like Mrs. Peters, his short-time wife would call him by his real name.

“Yes, Michael,” she confirmed.

They followed the priest into a small room already full of his chubby uncles. The three looked a little the worse for wear and frightened. Uncle Abe wiped his bloody nose with his sleeve. Uncle Moses was shaking his head as if he could wish himself back home. Uncle Joseph ran his fingers over a brass cross as if judging its size before he tried pocketing it.

Michael felt sorry for them. “It’s all right,” he whispered. “There’s not going to be a hanging. I’m getting married and everything will be fine.”

Uncle Joseph wrinkled up his face. “You stealing a bride? That ain’t right, Mickey boy. It just ain’t right.”

Michael laughed. He’d finally found something Joseph wouldn’t steal.

Chapter 3

“Do you wish to marry this woman of your own free will?” the priest asked.

Michael hesitated, knowing that if they went through with this ceremony, at least one man, her uncle, would want him dead.

The priest huffed with impatience. “Sir, you have already touched this woman?”

“Yes.” Michael couldn’t lie there. He could still feel the softness of her skin on his fingers. He had touched her, if not in the way the priest was hinting.

“Then in the eyes of the church you are already married.”

Michael felt like he was whirling in a storm. Cozette stood close, holding his arm as if she needed support. His uncle Moses started crying and mumbling something about never seeing a wedding up close. The priest glared at him as if he were dirt-rolled evil, which only made Moses cry harder.

All in all, the wedding was worse than first light after a three-day drunk.

They both said what the priest told them to say and did everything he told them to do. When he finished, he looked at Michael and said simply, “You may kiss your bride.”

Michael stared down at her and realized she looked as miserable as he felt. Somehow he found that one fact calming. Touching her chin lightly with his fingertips, he tilted her head and brushed her lips with his own.

She tasted newborn and fresh, nothing like the Copyright 2016 - 2024