One Silent Night (Romeo Family Romance #9) - Jennifer Youngblood Page 0,19

say to our kids.” She forced her voice to go deep, thrusting out her chest. “‘Close that door. Were you raised in a barn?’”

Noelle giggled. “I can imagine Knox saying that.” She shook her head. “I don’t think anything I say to Aiden sinks in. It goes straight through one ear and right out the other.”

“More sinks in than you realize. Aiden will learn. Just be patient.” Birdie cast Noelle a perceptive look. “You’ve been so worried about Aiden transitioning, but kids are resilient. With a loving, considerate mom like you, Aiden will do just fine.”

Noelle’s eyes misted as she blinked. “Thanks,” she said gruffly. She could only hope Birdie was right!

By the time they got out of the car, Aiden was pounding on the door with his fists.

“Aiden, stop banging,” Noelle corrected.

The door opened, and there stood Knox, looking as debonair as ever with his broad shoulders and confident posture. “Well, hello,” he boomed as he grinned broadly while looking down at Aiden.

Aiden drew into himself a touch, as if he were intimidated. Aiden’s reaction was understandable, as Knox wielded a commanding presence. Noelle guessed him to be around six feet tall. He was lean and in great physical shape, as though he could work alongside any thirty-year-old and hold his own. His hair was becoming more salt than pepper. His olive-toned skin had the golden leathery cast of one who’d spent a lifetime in the sun. His lively teal eyes and easy smile were his best features. He was the kind of man that you couldn’t help but love.

“Hello,” Aiden responded with a squeak as he clasped his hands. “I wanna ride a horse.”

Confusion washed over Knox’s features. “A horse?” He looked to Birdie for an answer.

“I told Aiden that he can learn how to ride a horse … when the weather clears.” Birdie hugged her arms, suppressing a shiver. “Oosh, it’s cold out here.”

The humidity cut through Noelle’s coat. It was biting cold.

Aiden darted past Knox into the house.

“Well, hello,” Knox said as he held out his arms, giving Noelle a hearty hug. She caught a spicy whiff of Knox’s cologne. “It’s good to see you, darling.” He held her at arm’s length, inspecting her. “You get prettier every time I see you.” His light eyes sparkled as he looked at Birdie. “You look just like your aunt.”

“Thanks,” Noelle smiled. “I take that as a high compliment.” She glanced at Birdie, who suddenly had a rosy hue brushing her cheeks. Was Birdie blushing? Yep, something was definitely brewing between Aunt Birdie and Uncle Knox.

“Come on in the house,” Knox said as he led them inside.

Noelle appreciated the warmth that greeted her, staving off the frigid cold. The aromatic scent of cooking food wafted through the air, causing Noelle’s stomach to rumble. She was in the mood for some good, down-home cooking. She had great memories of feasting on hearty Southern food while at the ranch.

She took in the surroundings. The foyer opened to a sitting room that was decorated tastefully but simply. The soft white walls made a pleasant backdrop for the neutral décor. A plush leather, deep brown sofa was paired with oversized wicker chairs that housed comfortable beige cushions. The coffee table made from driftwood had a gray, aged cast. Linen curtains hung from black wrought-iron rods. Sage green and chocolate brown pillows added pops of color, matching well with the rugs and artwork. Noelle grinned, recognizing Birdie’s stylish handiwork. The ranch house seemed to be an extension of both Birdie’s boutique and home.

“Everyone’s in the kitchen,” Knox said.

“We can put our coats in the closet,” Birdie added, removing her coat. Noelle did the same as they hung them in the closet beside the front door. Not sure what to do with her purse, Noelle placed it on the floor of the closet. She didn’t mind being separated from her phone for a few hours, especially if it meant not having to deal with Dottie’s calls and texts.

The wide-planked wooden floor creaked pleasantly beneath their feet as they walked. As they stepped into the spacious kitchen, a smile drifted over Noelle’s lips when she saw everyone.

“Hello,” Zoe said warmly as she stood and enfolded Noelle in a hug. “It’s great to see you.”

“Thanks,” Noelle said appreciatively. “It’s great to see you too.” Zoe looked beautiful as always with her dark, liquid hair and deep-brown eyes. Zoe looked back at the table to where a blue-eyed guy with dark blonde hair grinned and waved.

“Hey, Noelle,” he Copyright 2016 - 2024