One Night On The Virgin's Terms - Melanie Milburne Page 0,62

so unhappy after a miscarriage. He thought she might be better off with someone else. I’ve been looking at all the things that were wrong in their relationship instead of all the things that are right.’

‘Oh, I’m so glad you understand them both a little better. Do you think I can meet them some time? I’d really love to.’

He grinned. ‘Of course. I can’t wait to show off my beautiful fiancée.’ He pressed another kiss to her lips. ‘I don’t want a long engagement. I want to be married to you as soon as possible. And let’s not leave it too long before we start on making a baby.’

Ivy smiled up at him. ‘You really mean it? You want to have babies with me?’

He kissed her again. ‘Yes. A baby or two, and we’ll get a dog too. And I’m going to make your boss an offer on his business. I think you’d be great at running your own antiques business. Or would that be too much?’

Ivy wrapped her arms tightly around his waist, leant her head on his chest and sighed with pure joy. ‘That would be perfect.’


LOUIS DIDN’T NEED to drink champagne at Ivy’s birthday party the following night to feel tipsy. He was drunk on the sight of her dressed in a scarlet velvet dress that clung lovingly to every sweet curve of her body. She was wearing the earrings and pendant he’d given her, and her friend Millie was already working on a design for the engagement ring.

Ivy had done a brilliant job of acting surprised when she’d come into the venue where the party was being held, but ended up being completely surprised by the presence of her brother and father. Louis had taken upon himself to meet with Keith Kennedy that morning and insist he not spoil Ivy’s birthday, because Millie had let slip to him in a follow-up email that Ronan and his partner Ricky were flying all the way from Australia to attend. Fortunately, Keith had had the grace and maturity to accept he was wrong and came to the party with an apology in hand. Of course, there was more work to do on Keith’s relationship with his son, but these things took time.

Louis had his own family relationships to continue to work on. He could never thank Ivy enough for helping him to see how he’d been far too critical of his parents, viewing their relationship too negatively without seeing the positives. And there were so many positives now his focus had changed. His father had never had an affair...he had never walked out on his wife or son. His father had put all his own dreams and aspirations to one side so he could carry on his own father’s business. That was a sacrifice that took enormous courage and commitment. His mother had suffered great sadness and Louis hadn’t fully understood how it had impacted her mental health. But he was hoping the birth of grandchildren one day in the future would help his mother continue on her journey to a happier, more positive state of mind.

Ivy moved away from greeting one of the guests and came back to Louis. ‘Darling, this is the best party I’ve ever had. I don’t think I’ve ever been happier than at this very moment. I love you.’

He slipped his arms around her and planted a kiss on her lips. ‘Je t’aime, mon ange. I am happy too. More than I can say. More than I thought possible.’

And he would spend the rest of his life being thankful for his sweet, adorable Ivy.

Coming next month


Caitlin Crews

“Your Majesty. Really.” Calista moistened her lip and he found himself drawn to that, too. What was the matter with him? “You can’t possibly think that we would suit for anything more than a temporary arrangement to appease my father’s worst impulses.”

“I need to marry, Lady Calista. I need to produce heirs, and quickly, to prove to my people the kingdom is at last in safe hands. There will be no divorce.” Orion smiled more than he should have, perhaps, when she looked stricken. “We are stuck. In each other’s pockets, it seems.”

She blanched at that, but he had no pity for her. Or nothing so simple as pity, anyway.

He moved toward her, taking stock of the way she lifted her head too quickly—very much as if she was beating back the urge to leap backward. To scramble away from him, as if he was some kind of predator.

The truth was, something in him roared its approval at that notion. He, who had always prided himself on how civilized he was, did not dislike the idea that here, with her, he was as much a man as any other.

Surely that had to be a good sign for their marriage.

Whether it was or wasn’t, he stopped when he reached her. Then he stood before her and took her hand in his.

And the contact, skin on skin, floored him.

It was so…tactile.

It made him remember the images that had been dancing in his head ever since he’d brought up sex in her presence. It made him imagine it all in intricate detail.

It made him hard and needy, but better yet, it made her tremble.

Very solemnly, he took the ring—the glorious ring that in many ways was Idylla’s standard to wave proudly before the world—and slid it onto one of her slender fingers.

And because he was a gentleman and a king, did not point out that she was shaking while he did it.

“And now,” he said, in a low voice that should have been smooth, or less harshly possessive, but wasn’t, “you are truly my betrothed. The woman who will be my bride. My queen. Your name will be bound to mine for eternity.”

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Caitlin Crews

Available next month

Copyright ©2020 by Caitlin Crews

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