One Night On The Virgin's Terms - Melanie Milburne Page 0,50

lust. And back in her normal day-to-day life she would be grieving the loss of his intimate touch, mourning the end of their passionate fling. How would she bear it? She ran her fingertip over his sensual bottom lip, her gaze carefully avoiding his. ‘I hope I can be just as responsive with someone else when the time comes.’

The silence thrummed with an unusual energy as if each and every oxygen particle had been disturbed by her comment. Even she was disturbed by her comment. How could she ever make love with someone else? Who would make her flesh sing the way Louis did? It was unthinkable. Impossible.

By the time Ivy brought her gaze back to his, Louis’ expression was masked, all except for a camera-shutter-quick movement at the back of his gaze. No more than a rapid blink—a reset, an unwelcome thought swiftly, ruthlessly blocked. ‘I seem to remember I promised to take you out to dinner, but I got a little waylaid.’ His tone was mildly playful but it was at odds with his screened features.

Ivy stroked her hand down his lean jaw, one of her legs hooking over his. ‘How can you think of food at a time like this?’

His mouth came down to just above hers. ‘Believe me, ma chérie, I am definitely not thinking of food right now. I’m only hungry for you.’ His kiss showed her just how hungry, his hands urgently moving over her body even more so.

Ivy pressed herself closer, drawn to the heat and power of his hard male body, her smooth legs entwined with his hair-roughened ones, her body on fire. He moved away only long enough to get a condom and she watched him smooth it over himself, her pulse racing with excitement, her inner core heated with longing. He positioned himself over her, balancing his weight so as not to overpower her, his entry swift, sensual, sense-spinning. Tingles shot through her sensitive tissues, her body gripping him, welcoming him, pleasuring him as his pleasured her. His guttural groans were music to her ears, his deep, rhythmic thrusts ramping up the coil of tension in her core. She was climbing a mountain, higher, higher, the pinnacle just out of reach. She wanted. She wanted. She wanted. The aching throb in her body was accompanied by the chant in her head.

‘Please...please...please...’ She didn’t care that she was begging. She didn’t care that she was thrashing beneath him like a paper boat in a storm-tossed sea.

‘Come for me.’ Louis’ voice was husky. ‘Don’t hold back. Don’t be frightened of it. Let it take you.’

He slipped his hand between their bodies and slowly caressed her moist and swollen flesh. The delicious sensations came from far-off places in her body, gathering to a feverish point in her female centre. And then they exploded in a shower of sparks and tingles and spasms that carried her to another plane of existence. An exquisite existence of sheer mind-blowing, planet-shifting ecstasy. It was bigger and better than anything she had experienced before, the monumental force of it almost terrifying. How could her body split from her mind in such a way? How could her body contain so many nerve endings? So many pleasurable settings that fired with such heart-stopping intensity?

Louis kept moving within her, taking his own pleasure with deep thrusts and guttural groans until, finally, he tensed all over and then gave one last shuddering groan as his orgasm hit. Ivy held him through the storm, feeling completely undone by the way his body responded to hers. So powerful, so potent, so primal and passionate. She moved her hands up and down his back in smooth massaging movements, listening to his breathing quietening, enjoying the relaxed weight of him lying over her.

‘Am I too heavy for you?’ His lips moved against the sensitive skin of her neck where his head was buried, and she shivered.

‘No...’ She gave a long blissful sigh and stroked her hand over the taut shape of his buttocks. ‘If anyone had said a few weeks ago I’d feel comfortable with a naked man sprawled over me after making mad, passionate love to me, I would have laughed. Or fainted.’

He leaned up on one elbow, a smile tilting one side of his mouth, his eyes dark and lustrous. He traced his finger from her chin to her sternum and then back to her lower lip, teasing it with a feather-light caress. ‘It’s good you feel comfortable with me.’ His smile slowly faded Copyright 2016 - 2024