One Night On The Virgin's Terms - Melanie Milburne Page 0,36

of my control.’

Ivy traced the outline of his mouth with her finger, her heart beating a tattoo in her chest. ‘I want you to make love to me. I want you to be my first lover. It feels right for it to be you and not someone I don’t care a fig about. Or someone who might talk about me to their friends.’

He brushed her hair back from her forehead, his eyes dark and serious. ‘It’s only for tonight. After that, we go our separate ways. I can’t offer anything else.’

‘I don’t want anything else.’ Ivy wrapped her arms around his neck and stood on tiptoe as his head came down. His mouth covered hers in a fireball kiss, sending sparks shooting through her body. She opened to him and his tongue teased hers into a dance that mimicked the most erotic of connections two humans could have with each other. Desire leapt and burned and blazed in her flesh as he increased the pressure of his lips on hers. She pushed herself against him, hungry for his touch, aching for his possession.

His hands skated down the sides of her body, peeling the bed sheet away like a skin and covering one of her breasts with the broad expanse of his hand. His touch was gentle and yet electric, sending hot sparks through her flesh. Her nipple went to a tight bud, the soft flesh of her breast tingling. He removed his hand and replaced it with his mouth, exploring her in intimate detail. He rolled his tongue over and around her nipple, then took it into his mouth, gently sucking on it, releasing a shower of pleasurable sensations through her body. He moved to her other breast, subjecting it to the same passionate exploration until she was gasping and writhing with the need to feel more.

Louis brought his mouth back to hers in another drugging kiss, his arms going back around her body, one of his hands cupping the naked curve of her bottom. He groaned against her lips, his kiss deepening, his breathing as hectic as hers. ‘God, I want you so badly. How did I ever think this wasn’t going to happen eventually?’

Ivy stroked his jaw and leaned into the throbbing pulse of his lower body. ‘I want you too.’

He held her from him and locked gazes. ‘By the way, are you using any contraception?’

‘I’m on a low-dose pill.’ She twisted her mouth in a rueful manner. ‘Not that I’ve needed it until now. It was just wishful thinking on my part.’

‘I always use condoms in any case but it’s good to be doubly sure there won’t be an unwanted pregnancy. That’s a complication both of us could do without.’

‘Okay. Sounds good.’ Ivy had wanted children since she’d been a child herself. The thought of never having a family of her own was her worst nightmare. But she could hardly tell Louis that. He was so adamant about not settling down and she was not going to compromise on something so important to her. Besides, she was not involved with him with the goal of happy-ever-after. Louis wasn’t the answer to her fairy-tale fantasy—he was just the answer to her V problem. She was engaging his services to help her get in the dating game with more confidence. Why would she be interested in a future with a renowned playboy? That wasn’t a future—that was a recipe for heartbreak. And she wanted no part of it.

Louis sourced a condom from his wallet in the pocket of his trousers and then, stepping out of his clothes, led her back to the bed. The moon had risen and cast the room in a silvery glow. Strangely, her shyness about being naked in front of him wasn’t an issue. All she could think about was finding release from the tender ache between her legs. An ache he had triggered with his magical touch. Ivy drank in the sight of his fully aroused body, all the strong planes and contours of male flesh in its prime. Her desire for him rose again like an unquenchable thirst. ‘How many condoms did you bring?’

‘Enough.’ His eyes glinted and he tore the packet open and applied the condom.

Ivy stroked him with her hand, enjoying the sensation of his powerful flesh quivering from her touch. ‘I never thought I’d feel comfortable doing this but with you it feels right.’

He pressed her back down on the bed, his expression clouding. ‘It feels better than it Copyright 2016 - 2024