One Night On The Virgin's Terms - Melanie Milburne Page 0,24

lower body and her pulse went off the charts. ‘So do you.’

A twinkle came into his eyes. ‘Are you flirting with me?’

She gave him a coy smile. ‘I think I might be.’

He stepped across the threshold and closed the door, taking her by the upper arms and bringing her close to his body. His eyes darkened and became hooded, his head bending down so his mouth was just above hers.

‘I told myself I wouldn’t do this, but I’ve been thinking about nothing else for days.’ He closed the distance between their mouths in a kiss that threatened to blow the top of her head off. Desire flared and ran like hot flames through her body. His tongue entered her mouth on a silken thrust that had distinctly erotic undertones and she shivered in delight. His hands moved from her upper arms and went around her body, drawing her closer to his hard frame. She could feel the thickening of his body, the signal of his arousal, and another wave of incendiary heat swept through her. One of his hands came up to cradle the back of her head, his fingers splaying through her hair. He groaned against her mouth, a deep, guttural sound that sent a shudder of need right through her body. It was beyond thrilling to hear and feel his response to her. It made her confidence grow, like a plant starved of water finally receiving a life-saving drink.

Louis eased back to look down at her. ‘Are you still sure about this?’

Ivy was getting off just being held in his arms. Never had her body felt so warm and tingly, especially with his erection pressing against her feminine mound. Why wasn’t she freaking out and trying to put some distance between them? Or was it because Louis’ body spoke to hers in a way that made her feel more confident in her sensuality? ‘Yes. It feels like you are too.’

His pupils flared like black holes in infinite space. ‘I’ve been thinking about nothing else all week.’

Ivy could feel heat stealing over her cheeks. ‘I hope I’m not a disappointment. I’m such a prude, I can’t even watch sex scenes in movies without blushing.’

He stroked a gentle finger down the curve of her hot cheek. ‘I think it’s cute how you blush all the time. Don’t ever apologise for it.’ The timbre of his voice made her legs feel weak. Or maybe it was the tender look in his eyes.

Ivy patted his chest with one of her hands. ‘I’m holding us up. Give me five minutes to finish packing?’

He bent down and brushed her lips with his. ‘Go for it.’

Louis had to stop himself from following her into her bedroom and finishing what he’d started. Yes. What he’d started. So much for his boundaries. He’d promised himself he would keep his hands off her until they got to his place in the country, yet as soon as he’d seen her he’d crushed his mouth on hers like a magnet attracted to metal.

He scraped a hand through his hair, trying to get his breathing back under control. Every time he kissed her, it made him want her all the more. It was as though a switch inside him had been flicked and there was no turning it off again. Kissing her at the wine bar had nailed it for him. A kiss here or there was never going to cut it. Not now. He was too far gone for that. He wanted her with a fervour that was unlike anything he had felt before.

Desire pounded through him with an unstoppable force, a need so raw and primal he felt it in every cell of his body. He wanted to think it was because he hadn’t had sex in four months but, deep down, he suspected it was more to do with Ivy. She was someone he cared about, someone he respected, someone he would continue to see long after their physical relationship ended. It made their alliance dangerous in a way none of his previous encounters had been. But he was a master at putting emotions to one side when he needed to. This would be no different. Their little secret tryst in the country had all the makings of a hot-blooded fantasy. If he allowed it.

The thought wandered about his mind like a stray guest in a mansion looking at things he shouldn’t be looking at, touching things he shouldn’t touch. Trespassing into areas he had never allowed himself Copyright 2016 - 2024