One Night with Cinderella - Niobia Bryant Page 0,7

a well-oiled machine because of her quietly completed tasks.

That mattered more than her doe-shaped eyes, heated by the fire of desire.


The elevator slowed to a stop. With his free hand he opened the gate and stepped out onto the rooftop terrace that spanned the twenty-two-foot width of the building. The air was calm, not too hot, and the sounds of the city echoed as he moved past the open seating area and around the glasshouse.

At the sight of Monica leaning against the wrought-iron railing, looking over at Central Park, he paused. A spring wind blew and caused the hem of her floor-length cotton robe to lift a bit. Her hair was loose down her back. There was a hint of a smile at her lips, and the moonlight cast a sweet glow upon her profile as the fairy lights adorning the pergola seemed to twinkle behind her.

It was a little endearing and magical.

Like one of those romance movies his sister-in-law, Raquel, loved to watch.

Monica looked toward him just as he was about to turn, leaving her to her solitude.

“Oh, I’m sorry, Mr. Cress,” she said, shifting to face him. “I thought the family was out for the night.”

Her robe and the high neck of the gown she wore beneath it was all very prim and proper. Very sedate. Very reserved. Very Monica.

“They are. I’m not. Well, not anymore,” he said, holding up the bottle and flute. “Wanted to enjoy a moment alone before everyone got back.”

She nodded in understanding. “I’ll leave you to it,” she said, tucking her hair behind her right ear as she walked toward him.

“We launched our newest restaurant, CRESS X, tonight,” he said, surprised at the need to fill the silence.

Monica glanced up at him with an impish look. “I know,” she said. “Congratulations.”

Of course she knew. He doubted there was much she didn’t know about everyone in the family. Thus the nondisclosure agreement she was required to sign when she was first hired.

There was a sudden squeal of car tires from down below.

They both quickly moved to the railing to look at the street. A bright red sports car swerved to the right of a blue convertible before racing away.

“The aftermath of a near collision,” Gabe said, glancing over at her, standing beside him.

“Hopefully everyone will get home safe,” she said.

Gabe took in her high cheekbones, the soft roundness of her jaw and the tilt of her chin. The scent of something subtle but sweet surrounded her. He forced his eyes away from her and cleared his throat. “Hopefully,” he agreed as he poured a small amount of champagne into the flute.

“I’ll leave you to celebrate,” Monica said.

With a polite nod, Gabe took a sip of his drink and set the bottle on the roof at his feet, trying to ignore he was so aware of her. Her scent. Her beauty. Even the gentle night winds shifting her hair back from her face. Distance was best. Over the last week he had fought to do just that to help his sudden awareness of her ebb. Ever since the veil to their desire had been removed, it had been hard to ignore.

She turned to leave but moments later a yelp escaped her as her feet got twisted in the long length of her robe and sent her body careening toward him as she tripped.

Reacting swiftly, he reached to wrap his arm around her waist and brace her body up against his to prevent her fall. He let the hand holding his flute drop to his side. Their faces were just precious inches apart. When her eyes dropped to his mouth, he released a small gasp. His eyes scanned her face before locking with hers.

He knew just fractions of a second had passed, but right then, with her in his arms and their eyes locked, it felt like an eternity. He wondered what it felt like for her. Was her heart pounding? Her pulse sprinting? Was she aroused? Did she feel that pull of desire?

He did.

With a tiny lick of her lips that was nearly his undoing, Monica raised her chin and kissed him. It was soft and sweet. And an invitation.

“Monica?” he asked, heady with desire but his voice deep and soft as he sought clarity.

“Kiss me,” she whispered against his lips, hunger in her voice.

“Shit,” Gabe swore before he gave in to the temptation of her and dipped his head to press his mouth down upon hers.

And it was just a second more before her Copyright 2016 - 2024