One More Storm (Mistletoe Matchmakers of Clearwater County #6) - Bonnie R. Paulson Page 0,82

she leaned forward and set the deeds to the businesses on the table and slid them over to Mark. “I’d like these businesses to all get their money back that they paid plus interest. I want you to continue to process what we agreed upon regarding the charities, but now I’d like you to take the interest that has gathered in the escrow account for these deeds and set up a trust for Mistletoe Entrepreneurs. We need more small business owners in this town. It’s part of the charm, don’t you think?” She grinned, her expression radiating pure delight with her decision.

“I completely agree.” Mark handed her a pen and slid the papers across to her so she could sign them.

“You can’t do that. I’m here for my half of the money. I want my half.” Jennifer’s screech ruined the moment.

“No, you said I could do whatever I wanted. They heard you.” Amanda pointed at Tommy and Mark in turn. “You signed the paperwork without reading anything. You can take that to the courts, but you’ll just look foolish because of your actions. And, Jennifer, you made the rules. Not me. I’m just abiding by them.” She arched an eyebrow and lifted her chin. “You’re the fool who thought I would possibly want more money than we already have. I don’t need more money. I need my families and my town…” She dropped her lashes to her cheeks and then stole a glance at Tommy. “You. I need you. I was selfish and I’m so sorry.”

Caught off guard, Tommy scooted back on his chair and held his hands out. “No. I’m sorry. I wronged you, horribly... I didn’t mean to fall in love with you and I did. You’re everything I’ve ever wanted and I never knew I needed. I… I’m so sorry for all the harm I did you.”

Amanda blinked back her tears and reached for Tommy’s hand. “Tell you what. Let’s start fresh. Our lives never have to have her in them again. We can start over.” She curled her lips in a half-smile. “That is, if you think you can handle my crazy.”

Tommy pulled her closer to him, using the wheels on the chair to his advantage. “I want your crazy, your angry, your sad, your happy, all of it. You’re my everything. I love you, Amanda.” He leaned forward and pressed his lips to hers and the connection was instantaneous as well as soul shaking.

Tommy pulled back, his pulse racing as he checked Amanda’s expression for regret.

But he couldn’t find any.

“You know what? You guys can go ahead and have each other. I’m not finished with this. I’m going to find a lawyer or a team of lawyers. You’re messing with the wrong person, little girl.” Jennifer stood up, scooping the pictures into her hands. “You’re going to regret this.”

“Yeah, you said that already.” Tommy wrapped his arm around Amanda who looked at Jennifer with a hazy look on her face. “I’m not sure I’m going to regret anything from now on.”

“Me either.” Amanda ignored Jennifer and turned back to Tommy. She glanced past his shoulder and wrinkled her nose. “Is it totally unprofessional, Mark, to ask to have the room to ourselves for a minute. I want to kiss this man. Without an audience.”

“As far as I’m concerned, Ms. Dean, you can have the entire office building, if you want. What you’ve done… I think I speak for all of Mistletoe when I saw thank you.” Mark’s eyes were bright as he gathered all the paperwork together and shooed a protesting Jennifer from the room.

“You know we probably haven’t seen the last of her, right?” Tommy glanced down at Amanda, unable to look away from her gaze.

“Most likely. But I’m not worried. I’ve got a really good therapist, if things get too hard.” Amanda laughed and grabbed Tommy’s collar, pulling him close for another kiss.

This one left Tommy’s muscles like liquid and he didn’t want to stop.

Maybe his second chance to redeem himself meant he wouldn’t have to stop, for a very long time.

He could handle that. They could take on the storms together as they came. Wasn’t that what it meant to be there for each other?

Because Tommy loved Amanda and that was all there was to it.



Picking up her phone, Elizabeth cringed as she wiped the screen.

The other line rang and David picked up. “Elizabeth, how are you?”

“Well, that depends. Did you get the letter from Jennifer that Amanda got from the safety deposit box yet?” Elizabeth gripped the envelope and closed her eyes. David’s strength would keep her solid. He’d become a very close friend over the last couple years as their children had resolved the rivalry between their families.

“Yes, I just got it. But I haven’t opened it. I thought… I was hoping maybe we could open them together. I’m not sure I can handle reading this on my own.” David’s tone was hopeful more than anything else.

“I was thinking the exact same thing. I’ll see you in twenty.” Elizabeth hung up, blinking back her tears. She’d never been sure what it would take to get over her dead husband, who would have thought it would be the friendship of another man? The husband and father of the rival family of Mistletoe, Montana?


This town, these families… I feel like I’m on a constant emotional rollercoaster with them. Amanda and Tommy are perfect for each other and I can’t wait to see more with them. Elizabeth and David have a chance at redeeming love in One More Memory, Book 7 of the Mistletoe Matchmakers of Clearwater County novels.

Join the Wilson and Dean families as they find love, face loss, and fight against anything determined to steal the Christmas from Montana.

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One More Memory

Mistletoe hasn’t lost its holiday charm, but David and Elizabeth are facing other outside forces besides winter storm warnings and missing shooting stars.

The king and queen of matchmaking need to face their own romantic needs outside of the expectations of their families and their town. Heart break isn’t something they want, but sometimes past rivalries and secrets do more to break down budding love than anything else.

They need to find out what’s more important before they lose everything they sell to the rest of the world.

Books by Bonnie R. Paulson

Clearwater County Romances

The MacAllister brothers and Ronan James fight over love lost and seek revenge during the hardest times. When their families’ feud almost costs them a loved one, both sides of the fight have to swallow their pride or lose the very things that they want the most. The Lonely Lace Series is the start of the Clearwater County world with Enemies and Lace as book 1.

Celebrating families is the way of the mountains and when these sisters discover each other, they have to reconcile their pasts with the women they want to become. As daughters of the notorious Caracus outlaw, each one strikes out on a treasure hunt that ultimately leads to love, loss, and the returning to family and sisters they didn’t know they needed. Start at Broken Ranch in The Sisters of Clearwater County.

As if that isn’t enough, fall in love with the Montana Trails who struggle against the hard times together, even though they’re cousins, they’re thicker than siblings and they’d do anything for each other. Even accept truth, poverty, and loss. Nathan Rourke is the lead of the family and his heart is broken over and over as he tries to find the peace he needs to go on. Read Broken Trails, book 1 of the Montana Trails series.

Captiva Publishing, LLC

Bonnie R. Paulson

Copyright © 2020 Bonnie R. Paulson/Captiva Publishing, LLC

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of the publisher, excepting brief quotes used in reviews.

This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to any person, living or dead, any place, events or occurrences, is purely coincidental. The characters and story lines are created from the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

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