One More Storm (Mistletoe Matchmakers of Clearwater County #6) - Bonnie R. Paulson Page 0,69

couldn’t believe his luck. If he could get Amanda the information, she could ditch Jennifer to the curb and tell her to leave them alone.

“No, actually. She needs me, too. I have already informed the bank that one of the original owners of the bonds is still alive and that they’re coming to collect. They expire out and get dissolved into the community as a major donation to the six main charities, if Amanda and either Simon or myself by don’t claim it by this Christmas Eve. They’re aware I’m still alive and they need me as well as Amanda to do it. So, all of your digging for information hasn’t been hard to spot, but I’ve been sharing for a purpose. You need to tell Amanda she has to work with me, or she’ll lose everything.” Jennifer grinned like a Cheshire cat certain of her victory. “See? Tommy, you really do have a purpose. It’s a good thing. You can still earn your money. Bring me the items as well as Amanda and you’ll get your original pay and your bonus. Just like we agreed.” She patted the table between them. “And just so we’re clear. Once the papers come out with the rest of the secrets, you’ll see how much information can change everything. It will. Good people or not, you’ll see how greed will alter who they are and how they treat others.”

She stood, sashaying away from the booth and past some farmers who watched her walk by. Jennifer ate up the attention, but sneered as one of them tried to speak to her.

Tommy waited until his client had left the building before picking up his phone and dialing Amanda. His call went right to voicemail. “Amanda, I know you don’t want to talk to me right now, but we need to talk about what just happened with Jennifer. Let me know what time the meeting is going to be. I need to share this with you before then.” He had to tell her what was going on. Maybe she would change her mind about including both families. Maybe she would want to work with Jennifer.

Or maybe she would do exactly as Tommy suspected and ignore the fact that she should put herself first for once. Maybe it was Tommy’s job to do that for her. Look out for her when Amanda wouldn’t do it for herself.

He hung up the call and set the phone back on the table. One way or another, Tommy had to make sure Amanda’s future wasn’t squandered because she was too busy looking out for other people.

Chapter 38


Flynne pulled on his thick leather overcoat and then turned to his wife, helping her pull hers on as well. The strong black leather matched on both of their jackets and Flynne watched the way Kali’s long hair swept across the smooth, pliable material across the shoulders.

“How you feelin’, Kali?” Flynne opened the door, waiting for his wife to walk out ahead of him before he shut the door behind them.

“Tired. I feel like I’m a growing teenager again.” Kali laughed and peeked at him from under her lashes.

Flynne shook his head. “Well, you don’t look like you’re growing. You’re perfect.” They climbed into the rig and Flynne started the engine. “It should warm up pretty quick in here. I hope we’re not too late.”

“We won’t be. But… I am.” Kali spoke coyly, clicking her seatbelt into place and staring at him as if she was telling him something but without the words. Was he missing something?

What could it be?

Birthday? No. He had that marked on the calendar. They wouldn’t have an anniversary, would they? No, Kali hated celebrating birthdays and anniversaries.

She’d said something about being late.

“Do you need to be somewhere? We can go there first. I’m sure everyone would be fine waiting for us.” He didn’t care if they were fine or not. If Kali needed to do something, he was going to make sure she got it done.

“No, I’m not late to a place, Flynne.” She rolled her eyes, laughing like he’d told the funniest joke. “I’m just… late.” She tilted her head to the side, adding more emphasis to the word late.

Late. She was late. What was… Wait. She. Was. Late.

“You’re late? Like…” Flynne swallowed, not putting the truck into drive or reverse and sitting there instead as he waited for it to warm up. He stared at Kali. “What do you mean? Or I guess, how late? Are you super Copyright 2016 - 2024